Wednesday, February 28, 2007
was busy chiong-ing homework. went out for dinner at night. sort of nice.
knew tt irena oso nvr go sch for 3 days as well. hahas. n i realised i missed a lot of lessons! damm it! i dont understand! arghs! mountains of homework! mr teo finished teaching A-maths. n lyk when i was nt there ok. i dont noe wad he taught la. bio oso. wad turgid n flaccid. bt i sort of rmb a little. sec 2 gt learn before. so nt tt bad. skipped hmt. went hm instead. was having headache.
had lessons as usual. den CCA in e afternoon. practically did nth. was slacking away. was chiong-ing geog proj e whole night! n bcos of tis, i slept at 1.30am. whereas wenxin slept at 3am bcos of e deco. e rest...slept earlier than us. bt nvm. i have double vision la, too tired le. i wanted to ask ppl, u can find? ended up asking, u can fly? wad a nice question! isnt it? LOL! anyw, thanks girl! u did a great job! e slides are pretty nice! yr hardwork's appreciated by us! btw, u are sick, so tkcares yea! =))
heavy day. all 3 sciences! lessons were as per normal. did bio practical using kangkong. den clarified my doubts with ms chan. n yuanyun's so cute! lols. she vr funny la. hahas.
tmr's sports day! yeahs! until 12pm at tampines stadium. will catch just follow law with jiahui n irena! nice! looking forward to it! shall update bout it tmr, if time allows.
kk. stop here. sort of sleepy. nites peeps! bye. keep tagging!
p.s to clarissa; i've updated bcos of u! be honoured! LOL!
signing off with passion @ {2/28/2007 10:39:00 PM}
heys peeps!
as promised to post e pics of aus trip. here they are. bt i still cnt find my usb cable. so just do with all these first. credits to jingying.

tea cup ride! LOL!

artistic! i was behind jingying! dreamworld...

arent e sand beautiful?

me n jingying! cheese! =))

it's us again! =P

above e clouds; on e plane to brisbane!

waiting for sunrise...

me, cousins, aunt n auntie as well as batman! hahas.

tt stingray ride; which toyed our feelings! HAHA!

car ride! n i'm e driver!

koala n us! p.s. e wind's strong!

it's barely four weeks old!

2/3 of koala's lifespan is SLEEPING!

e koala's saying hi!

shaking hands with e ppl.

batman again!


pretty her. =))

cutie tweety! =DD

at movieworld...

sexy babes! ^^
alright, shall stop here for nw. when i find my usb cable, i shall upload those pics. tatas.
signing off with passion @ {2/28/2007 07:44:00 PM}
Saturday, February 24, 2007
hello lovelies! i'm back! n finally back! hahas. i missed my com! i missed my girls! i missed everything! lols. n i missed a lot of lessons! OMFG! terrible. i'm sure i'll die when i go back! homeworks are undone. nt completed. didnt had tym to finish it up. well, i think i shall start my long long post for e last 7 days of my trip? hahas. n btw, e tym in aus is faster than ours by 2 hours! big big difference man! i go to sleep at ard 9pm (7pm in sg) n wake up at 8am (6am in sg). so damm early can! i missed my beauty slp! wahahahs. Day 1
on e plane for seven hours! LOL! arrived at brisbane international airport in e morning. (p.s. continued as day 2)Day 2
went to see scenery! HAHA! lyk mount fabour in sg. hahs. den went to this university, i supposed. nth to do one lor. so boring la. hahas. after tt proceeded to our resort. spent 2 days 1 night there. e sand in aus is simply NICE! very fine. love it man! i love e waves there too! it has sort of a pattern of e way they flow. BEAUTIFUL! LOVELY! fed some wild dolphins at nite. sort of nice? hahas. Day 3
had tis desert safari early in e morning at 7.20am (4.20am in sg) a little crazy la hor? vr tired. i dragged myself out of e bed la. on e way to e desert, e bus brokedown. hw lucky could we be?tis desert safari is lyk a "mountain" of sand? hahas. den u are supposed to hold on to a wooden plank or wadever it is, den slide down frm a certain height. didnt play though, as it rained n e sand was wet. couldnt slide. however aunt, jingying n me climbed all e way up to e top of e "mountain" la. took some pics. lols. n jingying was terrified of e height, she didnt dare to move. hahs. bt she managed to move la. hahas.after tt had breakfast, n spent e rest of e day at e LOVELY beach. e water is super duple clear one la can. very NICE. in e end, gt sunburnt! arghs! pain la. departed e resort n left for goldcoast. checked into e hotel n went for dinner.Day 4
dreamworld! here i come! hahas. spent e entire day there. took rides n stuffs. we rode on those kiddy rides. wahahahs. FUN! LOL! took rollercoaster ride! OMG! 1st tym in my life? hahas. it's thrilling. lols. den bumper car ride. hahas. i told jingying tt i will definitely post about tis! HAHA! e bumper car can only be driven in one way. u cnt anyhw bang ppl. n most importantly is tt, e person must oso care about hw we tie our safety belts. it's lyk they hav a standard way of tieing e safety belts. weird la. 1st tym seeing this. hahas.had dinner. shopped ard den went back to hotel. bght some roxy stuffs. n i realised tt they are all pink? hahs. jingying's taste n my taste's e same. we gt e same bag. LOL! i was telling her, dont meet when we are in sch uniform. hahas.Day 5
movieworld! took pictures wif e cartoon characters. nah. actually one only. hahas. batman. LOL! watched e 4D shrek movie! FABULOUS! it's OMG! so damm real. e effects are cool! love it! water splashed out n stuffs lyk tt! COOL! wah! played tis idiotic rollercoaster. scare my wits out! it's lyk from level 2 or 3, fall backwards la. so scary. den e cornering so fast la. i so damm scared. luckily, i didnt have heavy breakfast. if nt sure vomit de. den jingying still keep scaring me la. fortunately, i didnt faint. hahas. only a little soft-legged. LOL!after tt didnt dare to play anything. cos no. 1, had heavy lunch, scared tt i will vomit. no. 2 still scared. lols. e rest went to play. i went to shop ard with mummy instead.had dinner n shopped as usual. nth much.Day 6
visited e animal farm known as paradise country farm. all about animals. after tt had bbq chicken for lunch n went to habourtown to shop. again, nth much.Day 7
home sweet home! =)) again, 7 hours of long flight. mugging n doing my homework in e plane. enjoying e movies n soundtracks as well. bt actually time flies. 7 days jus gone lyk tt. it's nice to be back in singapore la. i must admit. hahas. i hav loads of things here. lols.alright, in conlusion i love love love tis trip la. i love e crapping part with jingying. hahas. exploring in those sick shops! WAHAHAHS!kk. shall stop here. will upload e pics soon! tata!
signing off with passion @ {2/24/2007 09:47:00 PM}
Sunday, February 18, 2007
i'm in e airport nw.
thanks for all e well wishes. btw, it's only my HA-mei n sharon who replied my msg la. anyw, thanks! stef jie too! celestine oso la hor? hahs. jiahui oso. hees.
boarding soon!
tata peeps! =))
signing off with passion @ {2/18/2007 08:24:00 PM}
hey peeps,this might be e last 2nd post before i leave sg or maybe e last one! hahas. perhaps blogging in e airport ltr. shall see hw! n tis shld be a study trip instead of one which we can play freely? homework! homework! arghs! jingying n me are bringing homework over to do! OMG! hahas.she is better than me la. she brought all her bks there as her common test is right after we come back. hahs. we shall be studying throughout e trip! i only look forward to our crapping part instead! LOL! n so our flight is at 9pm. n we'll arrive in e morning? ya, guess so. i'm tired la!morning went to pray my ah gong. n i really missed him alright. those memories flashed through my mind. tears are lyk wanting to gush out of my eyes can. luckily, i managed to control.went back home. n was copying qn out frm my A-maths tb. i wouldnt wanna bring it there la. so heavy.i really dont wanna miss 3 days of lessons! it's a lot of teaching n homework! i dont want! arghs! Saturday, February 17, 2007
ystd nvr blog cos i'm too tired! went to godmum's hse. was chiong-ing homework there. went back hm. had steamboat. den after tt watched countdown while playing black jack! hahas. n i won! lols. it was NICE! slept at 2am ystd.alright, i think i shall stop here. tkcare ppl!to my dearies especially! take good care of yourself! dont take too much heaty food. drink loads of water yea! i'll miss u guys loads loads! hearts u ppl! =))in e meanwhile, enjoy yr holidays peeps! collect more red packets ya! hahas.
p.s. tags will be replied late! sorry. will be back on sat!
signing off with passion @ {2/18/2007 04:25:00 PM}
Friday, February 16, 2007
hello ppl! hahas. today's cny celebration was awesome n wonderful! hahs. tt was wad e emcees kept saying, thank you blah blah blah for e awesome or either wonderful performance.'s performance was rather good. e pieces they played was nice. e sec ones were supposed to leave at 12pm, bcos they can go back to their pri sch mah. wah! lyk fish market! so damm noisy! lyk nvr go back before. terrible.had question n ans in bet. e prog. after tt, carried on with tis huang mei diao opera! OMFG! it's so FUNNY! wahahahs. i'm laughing lyk hell. n i think e rest too! jiahui also. HAHA! celestine saes tt it is e funniest opera ever! LOL! had e dance club performing hip-hop dance. den was e singing part! lols. funny too! n our sch ppl are rather weird. ppl sing nice, nvr clap so loud. ppl sing nt nice, clap until damm loud. hahas. i only look forward to irena's singing! lols. she sang e nicest? tt was my conclusion. hahas. she's e best! can solo man! hees. ms chan saes tt irena sing vr nice, so natural. hahas. if noe earlier, ask her represent our class n go sing for tt competion. hahs. bt i think it was off? nt many joined. wilson acted as e god of fortune! HAHA! he wore e costume, n threw sweets down frm e stage! lols.before e concert, had tis stupid fire drill. used 6 mins n 2 secs. waste time man! make us sit there, sit so long. in e end, cnt finish e correction for our compre test. nvm. nxt up, physics. mr ong didnt teach, as 12 of e students left earlier for e final rehersal before e concert. finish up e worksheet he gave e previous time. tons of homework during e holidays! oh god! hw am i supposed to finish it in time! hais. try my best ba.common test schedule is out! 5th n 7th of march. subjects tested are eng, chinese, both E-maths n A-maths. sians! bringing bks over to study? hahas. perhaps, i shld! lols.oh ya! thanks to ms chan for e sweets n chocolate! loves!alright, tata peeps.p.s tmr's chinese new yr eve. looking forward to reunion dinner! =DD
signing off with passion @ {2/16/2007 10:38:00 PM}
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i'm super really damm tired! had 2 tests! chinese n chem. n it's continuous lessons. it lyk after chinese is chem! and also learnt so much stuffs during A-maths lesson. logarithms! my brain's fully strained n stretched! too much things to absorb n memorise! i'm seriously gg CRAZY! arghs! cny celebrations tmr! irena's singing! hahas. jiayou! add tons of oil! yuting too! must bring glory to our class! LOL! gt dont noe wad huang mei diao! OMG la! so long ago liao lor. it can be considered as history? hahs. anyw, lessons as per normal? sort of sians. 2 consecutive periods of eng n followed by physics! boring la! i wanna watch just follow law! a production by jack neo! i super duple wanna watch! i dont noe shld i go with jingying a nt leh. i lazy to travel frm pasir ris all e way to tiong bahru! hahs. hmm... n i shall be seeing u, jingying, vr vr soon! on sun! hahas. n tt marks e start of our crapping journey to aus! HAHA!stop here. bye peeps. keep on tagging! =DD
signing off with passion @ {2/15/2007 10:46:00 PM}
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
hey peeps,first of all, HAPPY VALENTINE'S TO ALL!received quite a number of gifts today. cards, sweets n chocolates! it was NICE! hahas. THANKS LOVELIES!
celestine; a lovely purple heart-shaped card n ferrero rochers! thanks! <33
HA-mei; sweets! n a sweet little note on a piece of orange ppr. hahas. <33
wenxin; a nicely done up pink card with a cute little heart on top!
sharon; a pink card also! lols.
adela; a milky white card n a merci chocolate! e milky white colour is NICE! love it!
jiahui; time-out chocolate n sweets!
meiyin; a greenish card! hahs.mary-ann; a packet of m&m
14 cards for my girls (including ms chan)! wahahahs. they are my bfs. hahas. jiahui saes tt i hav 14 bfs bcos i made fourteen cards! so i told her, those whom received my cards are my bfs! LOL!
had been sleeping at one for e past few days! trying to complete my cards in time! hahs. glad tt they appreciate wad i have done la. if nt all my effort will be down e drain.
i cnt rmb wad happened for e past few days le! lazy to think as well as tired to think! i only noe tt i'm DEAD BEAT! i'm WORN OUT!
alright, tata peeps!
signing off with passion @ {2/14/2007 10:08:00 PM}
Saturday, February 10, 2007
heys peeps! 8 more days to aus! yet i'm nt looking forward to it! i really dread to go! i'm worried! i scared i cnt catch up. still gt common test somemore, bt luckily sci dont have. however maths gt! both maths! sighs! come back, my homework load surely lyk mountain de lor. DIE liao lor! hais. we admit tt our attitude towards ms kang is wrong. bt hais, i really duno wad to do! wad's done is done. anyw, just get tis over alright! dont do tis ever again! tt's it. i'm STRESSED UP! i'm really stress! lyk so much things happening at one shot? sighs.i dont noe wad to do for show n tell! can any kind soul pls help me? hahas.anyw, gtg. i shall with a quote for today, " be not afraid of life. believe that life IS worth living & your belief will help create e fact". =)) kk, bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {2/10/2007 11:09:00 PM}
Friday, February 09, 2007
today was truely a BAD DAY! had chem surprise test. we all at 1st all sae dont want to do de, leave it blank. as ms kang didnt tell us bout tis, whereas she told 3/9. wad is tis? bias? in e end, all of us do, except for jiaqi n zheya. i really wanna apologise for breaking my promise! or rather, all of us broken our promise. cos i thot everyone ended up doing, den i followed. who noes they nvr do? hais. i'm feeling so guilty towards them. den ms kang still sae tt she was disappointed with our class, n somemore we think we still children arh? lyk wad e... she didnt tell us, yet she still sae she 2 days ago tell us liao. gt test all these will be written on e board de lor. even e chem rep. oso duno la can. den chem proj, 3/9 can nxt tues den hand up. we? only have lyk 2 days to complete? needa hand in by ystd? we still have 3 tests to study for lor. think we wad? superman arh! no other homework izzit? i rushed it out e whole night with sharon. slept at 1.35am ystd. damm tired la. moreover, needa do homework some more. n her proj is nt simple lor. need a lot of research n needa search for 4 different kinds of compounds la. stupid la! do until i see e computer screen gt double image la. i'm so damm pissed! she irritating la!so wad today den extend e deadline? does it do any help to me? i rushed everything out ystd, nw gt use meh? bt is still must be handed in by today midnite la. after sch, talked to ms chan for vr vr long. i think until band end. lols. i reached hm at 6pm. hees. i think i'm suffering frm depression la. hahas. super duple stress la. e workload is vr heavy! i think many frm 3/8 are depressed? wahahahs. all "queued" up to talk to ms chan. hahas. she's my cousellor! =DD after talking to her, felt much better? bt she also cnt do anything. hais. bt have a listening ear is gd la. sit there n listen to us. she's NICE! hahas. she recommended some ways for us to distress. LOL! beach/park cleaning! wahahas. or all 3/8 peeps stand in one line in front of e whole sch n dance! HAHA! she can be funny at times! hahs. perhaps, we shall hav a class bbq during e march holidays! hahas. i think tt is one way to make our class bonded? hahs. rmb, UNITY IS OUR STRENGTH! i told her maybe we can stand in one line in front of e whole sch n laugh out loud! HAHAHA! LOL! sorry, i crazy liao! i'm obsessed to HAHAHA! lols. den ltr ET lim will come n sae us, can u all be more serious? wahahahas. imagination running wild! hahs.feeling tired n a little headache, didnt go for e alumni meeting. can any kind soul tell me wad happened? hahs. thank you.Thursday, 08 February, 2007
social studies test was alright. bt i dont noe hw to do. =x E-maths n A-maths test were damm horrible! i think i can get 0 out of 30 for my A-maths. i also dont noe hw to do. opps.den had e interview for e research programme thing la. irritating la. tt ET lim! hahas. tt's wad sharon call him. LOL! i'm nt gonna sae out e details, i lazy la. lols. wanna noe more, come ask me personally. hahs.Wednesday, 07 February, 2007
i cnt rmb anything! HAHA! stml la. hees.kk, i shall stop here. it's considered long? hahas. ppl, tag pls! thanks! it's sort of dead! lols.
signing off with passion @ {2/09/2007 09:06:00 PM}
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
i'm so damm sleepy la. anyw, shall blog faster. hahas. had chem test as mentioned in e previous post! it's difficult! think i gonna fail it. wadever. eng! free period! NICE! sprained my leg during PE la. tot nth serious. carried on playing. when i reached hm, it's kinda swollen. bt nt tt bad. i dont wanna go to sch on thurs! 4 tests! OMFG! 4 ok! 4! i'm gonna faint. e test for e respective subjects are: social studies; mt; e-maths; a-maths. two maths together! cnt take it man! bt it's lyk fixed. it's two consectutive periods of maths la can. will die de. n i cant really imagine tt i told my mum i want tuition? it's lyk a miracle? hahas. bt i seriously dont understand wad mr. teo teaching about la. no choice bt to have tuition. if nt it'll really be my doomsday. being in such a competitive class, it's stressful. all of them are so damm pro. TUITION! tt's set! tuition for maths and perhaps sci? shall see hw.kk. i shall end here with another quote, " nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm". =P tata peeps!
signing off with passion @ {2/06/2007 10:34:00 PM}
Monday, February 05, 2007
one word to describe today - TIRED! had lessons as per normal. mr teo see e timetable wrongly. hahas. so one maths period's jus gone lyk tt. lols. had eng. nth much happened. was supposed to get back our compre test. ms grace ng forgot to bring. did some corrections instead. bio! omg! had a surprise test! heart attack man! i dont hw to do. =X i didnt even noe tt there is tis tissue known as xylem tissue la. hahs. chem was supposed to hav a surprise test too! fortunately, ms kang postponed it to tmr. hees. oh ya! gt e student diary today. n guess wad? mine had 13 pages missing! hahas. 13! unlucky number! eeeeeee. hahs.tmr gt CCA. omg la. needa brief them bout e activities again! hais. i dont want! Sunday, 04 February, 2007
had a cny shopping spree. it was FABULOUS! my godmum brought me out to buy my new yr clothings la. 3 cheers for her. hahas. spent ard $100 plus, i think. Saturday, 03 February, 2007
did practically nth. only homework! sians. let me end with a quote, " it does not matter how slowly u go so as long as you do not stop". NEVER GIVE UP! =))kk. i shall stop here. off to do my homework! tatas.
signing off with passion @ {2/05/2007 08:13:00 PM}
Friday, February 02, 2007
hello peeps! hmm... nth happened much today. had 2 periods of eng. n after tt was physics. break followed by assembly. e assembly was rather boring? we watched opera? lols. i was feeling so tired tt i closed my eyes la. couldnt open. i didnt slp, bt rather relax my eyes. hahas.after sch, irena was supposed to meet shao lao shi. or rather e coral superstars' are supposed to meet her. they are gonna sing for us during cny. wahahahs. they needa choose songs la. den jiahui, clarice n me go with them, go listen to wad songs they choose. LOL! funny la. hahs. n i think they are singing cai shen dao at e end of e whole concert! wahahahs. nt vr sure la.P.S social study grp hw? are u guys gonna form it? i needa reply wenxin. i cnt let her wait for me. she had been waiting for my reply. can u all pls decide fast? irena, u gg with hu?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
strained my eyes too much la. looking at e com screen doing my bio mindmap, took me lyk 3 hrs? followed by my zuo wen. slept at 2am la. damm tired! 4 hrs of slp only! OMG! really couldnt take it. if this goes on, i'll soon become a panda! hahs.
lessons ended at 5.15pm, instead of 4.30pm, bcos we had A-maths supp. with mr teo. jus do a qn n we stayed for 45 mins. after he finished gg thru e qn, still dont let us off. he told us tt he wanted to share a story with us bout his friend whom commited suicide. den blah blah blah. sae wad depression. den if out of love, do remainder n factor theorem or dont noe wad. loads of crap. wahahahs. before releasing us, he said thank you class, dont go n commit suicide. LOL! if gt any prob, can approach teachers, n den he taught us hw to find a person weird who has e intention of commiting suicide. HAHA! a little funny la.
when we gg down e stairs, yuting told us tt he looked lyk a character in snoopy - charlie. hahaha. wenxin shouted across, mr teo! u look lyk charlie! damm funny la can! lols.
oh ya! ms chan put on her specs instead of her contact lens. hahas. it's rather nice. tt's wad jiahui n me think. hahs. e specs suits her. lols. however, i always thought tt she had perfect eyesight la. hahas.n i wanna make tis clear! if u ppl think tt i'm extra or wadever, den jolly well dont let her go. y let her go, n come n say some nonsensical stuffs? it's rather hurting alright! can u guys be more sensitive towards other's feelings? dont jus wan talk den talk, pls think before u speak.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
i cnt rmb any thing tt happened leh. i think everything's as per normal. had bio practical. tis is e only thing i remembered. hees.
kk. i shall stop here. i wanna go n take a nap le. tata peeps. keep tagging! =))
signing off with passion @ {2/02/2007 03:03:00 PM}