Saturday, March 31, 2007
well, today was coral's speech and prize presentation day. i'm nt involved and so stayed at home to be a pig! hahas. hmm... woke up and then slacked a while, watched tv. den i was really down to homework. guess wad? i started on my chem 10 years series alr! hahas. miracle, isnt it?
i realised there was really no time to waste. every single second is precious to me nw, after getting into 3/8. this was e greatest change and also my enemy - time! seriously, the thing which is always happening; nt enough time and the tension. it's so OMFG! my happy go lucky times were all gone! 3/8's e place where i learnt to be serious n such.
ahhhhhhhhh. i want my days back! however, i noe it's impossible. so must well, work hard and give yr best shot! i must jiayou alr. no time to waste! must spend my time wisely. i still havent gt e time to get all my guidebooks. n transfer all my notes frm e foolscap to those notebooks! arghs! time shortage! hate it. gonna chiong my e-learning tasks n homework. still gotta study for my tests! omg! time! i need more time! why cant a day be 48hrs per day?anyw, chatted with ms chan. she's down. she's upset. she's disappointed with some ppl who dont treat her with respect and talks to her rudely. she said maybe she's nt firm enough? sighs. having talking or rather counselling her since ystd, today like tt again. she sae ystd ok alr, today gt worse. hais. n she said this, "i tink i have to draw a clear line next time .. cannot always play with u all." so sad isnt it? hahas. anyw, continued talking to her till she offline.
yes, i guess tt's all bout it. tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/31/2007 11:30:00 PM}
Friday, March 30, 2007
ahahs. i post again. bt this is just for ms chan. lols.
ms chan, dont get so stressed up. n dont be disappointed with some ppl la. they dont noe hw to appreciate yr care n concern for them. take it easy alright. rmb, must hahahaha! LOL! smile always yea! u are a vr vr super duple nice teacher alr. dont sae tt u are nt ok. i noe most of them saes tt u are nice, although they did nt tell u. i'm serious alright. u dont need to worry too much. u are fine. dont need go n do wad reflection. =))you are loved by 3/8! =DD cheers!p.s. dont fail me ok. e bio test! hahas. mark more leniently pls! hahas. tyty.
signing off with passion @ {3/30/2007 11:30:00 PM}
well, today started of with homeroom. was ok. handed in e bio proj. ms chan saw n sae lyk tt arh. disappointed. frm film making club leh. we did a chart or rather a report? i dont noe. hahas. but i think almost e whole class did powerpoint slides ok. den ms chan said no creativity. lols. nxt was maths. mr teo started on new chpt of e-maths. ok la. every chpt, he keep saying very easy. to him of cos easy la. n we were told tt nxt wed will have linear inequalities' test. at first, both e n a-maths. bt we bargained with him. hahas. he's nice enough to cancel the a-maths one, as he let us chose which test we wanted. lols. mr teo jc came in n told us tt the social studies test will be postponed to the nxt following lesson, as there's lesson observation or smth? hahas. den was chinese compo mock exam. it was fine. i wrote about e CIP thing. qn one. bt i was really too tired. i laid my head down while writing. ms chan came to me n ask me sit up straight to write. if nt ltr fall asleep. hahas.den went for recess. for e one n only time when recess's finally at 10am again! hahas. i missed e times. it seemed tt we are really getting old. seniors; upper sec. 3 yrs in coral alr. OMG! tt's fast, isnt it? nxt yr we'll take our 'o' lvls n den graduate. it's so unbelievable tt i've came so far. nw everyday, we only hav 5 minutes to gobble up our food la. no time. broke my record. can go join who eat e fastest competition alr la.
lastly, ended off with videos in e hall. watched wad courses were offered in sp[singapore poly]. ok la. some courses are quite interesting. i lyk e one bout sci. it's simply cool. who noes i might just wanna go to poly? hahas. actually, poly's diploma is generally more recognised than 'A' lvl cert. shall see hw den. roughly left one hr, we watched e bugs' life, e animation. quite nice la, funny. hahas.
after tt, went to jiahui's hse to complete e bio reflection. den ran back to sch to hand up to ms chan. she said tt there's still one grp's proj haven hand in. hmm... siding's grp. she added on nvr hand in by today, zero.
wenxin's still running a fever nw. 39.5 degrees celcius when she called me jus nw. tkcares, girl. celestine too. she said tt her tonsils still nt ok. GET WELL SOON PEEPS! a lot of ppl are falling sick. dont noe wad's gg on? too stress? hahas. anyw, my headache's getting worse. i just feel tt my brain's gonna burst anytime. tmr, jiahui, yi ting, cassandra n e rest are gg back to film for speech day. good luck! hahas. i'm nt involved. so i shall stay at hm to do up my homework n revise my work. if possible, start on my ten-years series too!
alright. gtg. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/30/2007 11:09:00 PM}
Thursday, March 29, 2007
ystd was fine, i suppose. had lessons all e way till 3.15pm. den had bio supp. lesson. did e test. n i made this stupid idiot mistake can. i wrote water instead of water molecules. dumb! anyw, wad's over is over.
today was rather fine too. had pe. ran 2.4km. i almost fainted. i felt so giddy after e run. panadol freak! hahas. sharon's my supplier for panadols. lols. den continued with lessons.
after lunch was physics. OMFG! tt ppr. tian arhs. i dont really noe hw to do. =x n mr ong's oso so kind. he postponed e deadline of e physics e-learning task to mon. den at first sae gt chem remedial la. i wanted to go. bt in e end, ms kang saes she's nt feeling really well. so it was cancelled. den mr ong wanted to take over her lesson. bt too many ppl left, so there's nth on. <33 biostryics! hahas. biostryics = bio + chem + physics. LOL! =DD
after tt went hm. jiahui, irena n sharon came over to my hse to chiong bio e-learning task. just finished n they left nt long ago. wad a tiring day!
alright, shall stop here. damm tired. tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/29/2007 10:42:00 PM}
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
well, today was fine. first, was homeroom period. ms chan asked us a qn. whether do we think tt studying in coral makes us feel tt we are nt as smart as those in better schs? we couldnt be compared to them? my ans was yes. hahas. i think a few others think so too. lols. den she carried on to explain L1B4[for admission to Poly] or L1B5[for admission to JC]. told us many other things. den in conclusion, we arent tt bad! LOL! we cant look down on ourselves. hahs. however, teachers always sae tt we must study hard etc. cos gt other better schs out there vying over those JCs n Polys spaces.
nxt was eng. ms ng came in n saw those L1B4 n L1B5 things. she started her theorem as well, explaining those stuffs to us. telling us tt one of her god brother couldnt get into JCs, he gt a pt of 16, i think. CCA minus 2 pts, left 14. bt still couldnt get into JC. so it's lyk tough man. heard frm ms ng tt e cut-off pt for e eastern side of sg. was ard 14-15.
maths. mr teo taught a new part of chpt 2. smth on graphs. ok la. den during bio. did practicals. on food tests. was fun, i supposed. hahas. i loved it. was rather cool, mixing e solutions together. n seeing e changing of colours of e solution. nice! somethings happened. i shall nt elaborate more bout it.
recess. den chem. gt back e test results. ok la. i didnt fail it. *winks* ms kang oso extended e deadline of e e-learning task to mon. hw nice of her. lastly, maths again. another new ws. means more homework. bt mr teo's nice; isnt it? he gave us all e way till mon to complete.
CCA today, ok la. did some proposal n off we go. irena n me walked hm together. had conversations along our way. was great! i <33 it. n i <33 her too! funny stories. hahas. went to central. buy bubble tea. went hm after tt. eat n bathe. on e com, listening to music. studying at e same time.
there's bio make-up lesson tmr. n bio test. told ms chan nt to set too hard for e pprs. she replied me with fairly easy. HAHA. i doubt so? hahas. nt forgetting geog too! i wonder i can pass a nt man. e first test, i flunked lyk hell. arghs! hw am i gg to memorise all of e notes n concepts? anyone, pls help me! i will be grateful to him/her for life. wadever.
alright, tt's bout it. gotta go n mug my bio n geog. if nt, tonight no need slp liao. n my headache's still nt alright! arghs! anyw, bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/27/2007 08:05:00 PM}
Monday, March 26, 2007
wad a terrible day man! splitting headache! arghs! slept at 3.30am ystd nite. chiong-ing homework la. den somemore ystd afternoon irena n sharon come my hse to complete, touch up n send e social studies proj for binding. had dinner at central. they came back to continue with bio proj. den do homework at e same time. bt i dont noe why i do until so late leh. hahas.
luckily, today sch starts at 8.15am. i could nt wake up la. woke up at 7.20am instead. lessons as per normal. nth much. 3 sciences plus a-maths. today's bks are damm heavy. brought 3 ring files plus all e thick thick bks! hahas. first up, chem, went through those notes which was nt filled up e previous time.
bio. finished up e chpt on enzymes. n tmr's starting digestive system. loves! =DD i simply love those topics affecting our daily life! <33 4 =" 4(SSK)." 10 =" 4(SSK)." ssk =" 2.5.">homework, projs, tests n supp./remedial lessons for e wk
- bio e-learning task
- chem e-learning task
- phyiscs e-learning task
- geog test chpt 4
- bio test chpt 2
- physics test chpt 4
- social studies test chpt 2
- chem remedial [optional]
- bio extra lesson
alright, shall stop here. i think i gonna have my beauty slp! tata peeps!
p.s. there's cca tmr. n i cant think of wad to do. die le. bt nvm la. really nth to do mah.
signing off with passion @ {3/26/2007 10:06:00 PM}
Saturday, March 24, 2007
today was simply NICE! met irena n jiahui for breakfast at mac. den walked to school. n i guess ms chan arrived ltr den us? bt she reached on time. den was crapping away. some ppl's nt punctual! we left e school late. however, i realised we took ard 45 mins to reach e sci centre. tt's fast, isnt it? lols.
first up, bio exibition. was nice. i love it. cos it's all about human. hahas. that's why i took up biology. hahs. quite interesting. ms chan had theory lesson with e few of us. recap chpt 1. hahas. glad tt i didnt forget much. hees. den gt tis video of e formation of a foetus den after that a woman giving birth. tt's so obscene la can. hahas.
went to toured ard e other areas. nt bad. i think e sci centre changed a lot? lols. it's been dont noe hw long since i last went there. nxt was e watching movie/video entitled e human body at omni theatre. nt bad la. it's rather amazing. bt i feel so tired tt i wanna slp inside there la. however, i didnt. before e show starts, irena asked me to take a pic with her, den wait lyk so long, until my eyes wanna blink le, den i forced my eyes nt to blink, open till so big. hahas. looked so idiotic man! wahahahahs.
after that was lunch. had mac again. that manager/supervisor. omg. this kind of attitude; i seriously dont understand why she can be e manager/supervisor? her attitude's OMFG la! is that hw you treat yr customers? even though we are students, you dont have e rights to treat us like that! wadever.
den went out, saw geraldine, manpang, alicia, yuanyun, jiaqi etc. at e waterworks there. playing. hahas. looked so fun la. we[jiahui, irena, lala, shumin n me] cant resist also. quickly ran to find e entrance. e place's so cool! it's fun! aimed to throw e balls into e tank. dont sae childish ok. this is wad deprived childhood ppl does! LOL! just like me. wahahahahs.
den assembled. had tis practical session. e person conducting this talk is known as mr adam. all of us were required to wear e dont noe wad thing. u noe lyk doctors lyk that. tt robe. hahas. den it's lyk dont noe hw many ppl wear before lor. it's sort of disgusting. bt no choice. had to wear it.
we did e experiment/practical on cells. den jiaqi so funny la, we had laughters in bet. e session. n that mr adam laugh so funny, he laugh to himself n den he admit that he's lame. HAHA! however, e ways he taught us how to do up e specimen is wrong la. we shldnt be touching e specimen, cover slids n slides with our hands lor. yet, he did. teach us e wrong stuffs. nvm. we noe it's wrong can alr. lols.
after e practical ended, took some pics. i forgot who go take a robe for ms chan. hahas. she also had no choice bt to wear it. her reaction's so damm funny la can! it's like, "dont noe hw many ppl wear before one?" HAHS! we burst into laughters. mdm huda oso funny. at first, i stand behind irena one. den she saw me, den say u shorter than her, u shld stand in front. ms chan laughed n continued saying, nt taking class photo. hahahas. den in e end, ms chan asked e few of us go stand in front. i bet i looked retarded. somemore in e middle of e pic, i suppose. need to bend down a little. gt 3 cameras somemore, my legs almost broke! hahas.
tt marks e end of e whole trip. another ard 1hr of journey. bt it seemed so fast! lols. it's quite quiet throughout e journey. didnt hear anything frm jiaqi. tt seemed a little abnormal. hahs. lala helped me asked ms chan whether can drop us at wsps's bus stop a nt. hahas. it's nearer mah. no need to go back to sch again. thanks girl! n she allowed! yeahs! nt like some teachers, so bad de, dont let. n finally home sweet home! wad a long day we had! tiring yet fruitful! i enjoyed e outing with u guys out! =DD 3/8 will rock till e end! =))
i shall post e pics asap, once i received them. tt's all for nw. tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/24/2007 08:20:00 PM}
Friday, March 23, 2007
chem was e first period. chem test was ok la hor. i hope i can pass man! *cross-fingers* lols. nxt up, bio. was fine. did some filings. n den continued with enzymes. had homework. physics. mr ong started on chpt 5. there's so many tests nxt wk! arghs! can i nt take those tests? pretty one, could you pls save me?
n we are too "popular" that teachers are vying over us. hahas. all our afternoon slots were booked! lols. we lyk dont noe wad lyk tt. hahs. teachers all sae "i better write down on e board first." LOL! scared tt we'll be "snatched" away by another teacher. hahs. it's just so funny.
assembly. was ok. smth bout music. went hm right after sch. went to jiahui's hse to wait for her to bathe. n den go to my hse to continue with e social studies proj. she left ard 5 plus 6pm. cos she gt tuition. until nw, i haven finish la.
tmr's gg to science centre with e class for some bio exibition. frm 9am to 5.40pm. our first 3/8 class outing together. sad to say, nt all are gg. bt nvm. i hope it shall be a fruitful one! =DD
n one good news to 3/8 peeps! ** bio e-learning task's deadline is being extended to nxt fri! spread this msg ard pls! tks!
n i just realised that my com consists of 195508 files! OMG! i didnt noe that man! so much! tian arh. lols.
hahas. shall stop here for nw. bye.
signing off with passion @ {3/23/2007 08:50:00 PM}
Thursday, March 22, 2007
first period was eng. damm it man. ruined my day. 12 ppl passed e ppr 2 only. ms ng still sae nvm, it's about 14% of eoy. 14% leh, make a great great difference alright. anyw, nvm la. at least i passed my compo, isnt it. hahas. wad's done is done, i cant change e fact. will work harder e nxt tym round!
bio. studied on enzymes. geog, ms koh didnt come. a relief teacher came instead, however we have work to do. sians. finished it though.
after recess was maths. learned roots of a quadratic equation. asked mr teo bout e format for 'o' lvl maths ppr. he said e-maths ppr one, two hrs. den ppr two, two n a half hrs. total 4 n a half hrs for just one e-maths ppr. tt's omg! a-maths ppr didnt change much.
social studies was nxt. had e debate session. hahas. was nice. our grp comprises of jiahui, irena, sharon, yuxi n me. den tt day yuxi sae he be e debator. den we were lyk ok lor. cos no one wanted to be. hahas. den today, in e end he wanted to back out. bt too bad la. ladyluck was on e girl's side! LOL! mr teo jc told us to each one place a number out. den he started counting, e number ended landing on yuxi! HAHA! we laughed lyk mad man. syab n waikit can debate man! e best debators among e rest. hahas. outstanding! lols. dont think crooked alright. i had no ill intentions. hahas.
after lunch was sbl. shou bu liao. wahahahahahs. sharon created this name. lols. practically, did nth. hahas.
had hmt supp. i bargained with shao lao shi. sae go 15 mins can la. hahas. den she said half an hr. aiya, better than gg hm at 5pm la, cos needa rush s.s proj out. she said there's an impt form to give us. guess wad? e so called registration for 'o' lvl chinese ppr thing la. needa pay money. n by cash i think. just for tt whole entire chinese ppr, it costs $58 la. so ex. imagine nxt year, needa pay dont hw much man!
after tt, i went to jiahui's hse to find her, ask her wanna come my hse to do e proj a nt. since, her com's ok, she said no need le. den we discussed e report bout e s.s proj. left n went to sharon's hse. sharon n irena came to do e proj. sorry arh. i didnt really helped a lot. cos i was busy with my bio. they left at ard 10.30pm.
slept at 2am ystd. was studying chem.
well, tmr's a fri. n we have all 3 sciences tmr. meaning there's chem test! arghs! tests are all coming along our way! projs, homework, tests... nvr ending routines!
tt's all. tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/22/2007 11:00:00 PM}
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
alright peeps,
finally back to our lovely classroom. although it's more stuffy, it's more convenient. hahas. anyw, in e morning, ms chan wanted to change our seats. she asked us to separate our rows. bt in e end, back to sitting in pairs as she asked for our opinion! we wanted to sit in pairs. therefore, changing back again! lala's my neighbour again. lols. ms chan rocks! hahs.
actually nth much. first up was bio. was still ok for bio. geog, i just felt lyk slping in e com lab. i did nt though. was listening to e tales we always had la. lols. physics, i could close my eyes n write! LOL! end up, i dont noe wad i am writing. hees. however, i survived during maths lesson. hahas. mr teo continued with his alpha n beta theorem. lols. n wenxin created this: alpha; beta; china; delta. HAHA! so damm funny la. mt just did some idioms thingy.
chiong-ing s.s proj again.
tt concludes my day! lols. bye ppl.
signing off with passion @ {3/21/2007 10:30:00 PM}
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
hey there lovelies,
today's so freaking boring! mt did nth, zhao ju! hahas. primary sch kid! lols. physics, went thru ans for e theory wb. bt still haven go thru finish. nxt was pe. 2.4km. omg la. i told tcher gt cramps. hahas. den she sae walk 3 rounds! lols. hw nice of her. =)) hahs. bt my leg still hurts can!
reading period. was chiong-ing geog. den maths. mr teo sae we are taking e new 'o' lvl ppr. so some formats have changed. e-maths ppr one, calculators are allowed. meaning it would be more difficult; more algebra qns. i dont want! i dont like algebra! both e-maths n a-maths ppr will be 2 n a 1/2hr each. a-maths, nt so much changes. he sae will update us again tmr. left e class ard 12.45pm. take class photo! hahas. ms chan stood beside me for e informal shots. n tt person said put yr hands ard yr frens' shoulder; n ms chan put hers on mine n she said frens. lols. n i told geraldine, she kept laughing non-stop. i dont noe why.
geog. were vr late for e lesson, due to e photo-taking. went thru e work we have done. flunked my combined humanities totally! tt's it. all for i'm done! CA1-pronounced dead!
CCA. do wad? brain-storming for e CIP. omg la. for e whole 2hrs alright. sians.
walked hm together with irena after CCA.
finally gotten our new timetable. sae goodbye to our reading period n homeroom. there's no more of tt in e new timetable. 9 days cycle become 10 days cycle. nw e tym we end earliest is 1.35pm n latest 3.15pm (excluding those supp. n remedial lessons) meaning more supp. lessons? omg! while e lower sec can end so much earlier. their earliest time is 12.35pm can. n it's lyk so early. earlier than primary sch kids. n it's a few days, nt one day only ok. i'm jealous! hahas.
oh ya! let's bid farewell to 4/1's classroom. we'll move back to our own classroom tmr. actually, staying at fourth floor isnt bad. e wind's strong. however, our classroom downstair's bigger. bt i will still miss 4/1 classroom la. stay there for lyk dont noe hw many wks. have feelings attached la. did so much things there. it's memorable alright. e hampers we wrapped there, e balloons sculptures were made there. everything! it's where 3/8 gt together as one; e place where we gt united. a lot of things happened. e memories tt i guess we'll nvr forget? hope so. hahas.
irena n jiahui came to my hse to do e s.s proj after gg hm to bathe n eat. they just left nt long ago, havent finish though. sians.
tmr's lesson end at 3.15pm. double maths. n it's consectutively. omg. hahas.
i'm gonna get 10 year series to do! i want my guidebooks! n my assessment books! here i come! hahas.
tt's bout it, lovelies! tag pls! my tagboard's dead! dead! dead!
signing off with passion @ {3/20/2007 09:45:00 PM}
Monday, March 19, 2007
HAPPY 100th POST! yeahs! finally! hahas. my 1st 100th post! LOL! waiting for this day for dont noe hw long man. i didnt expect tt i would come this far. hahas. n jiahui's nt blogging. cos she doesnt noes wad to blog about. =.=
anyw, it's a start of a new term. charissa shall work hard! n she's determined to do so! jiayou! seeing all my frens again, feels great la. lols. NO CHEM = NO TEST! hahas. joys. had attire check n stuffs. long speeches. blah blah blah. left ard half an hr for social studies. n we are gonna have a debate session some time nxt wk. hahs.
physics! mr ong didnt teach as he was rushing out e timetables. nt a free period though. have 9 pages of work to do within 40 mins plus reading e tb. it's impossible la. in e end oso bring hm to complete.
nxt up, chinese. nth much. maths too! returned those test pprs, went thru e a-maths ppr, cos mr teo saes e-maths shld be no prob. didnt finish those corrections though. shall continue tmr. n i'm so freaking angry! cos i'm so damm freaking careless! damm it!
edwin wont be gg for cca tmr, as he's making his ic, cos it's his birthday. he wanna make his ic on his birthday. n so i've gotta conduct e cca all by myself? tt's simply OMG! i dont want! arghs.
alright, tt's for nw. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/19/2007 11:35:00 PM}
Sunday, March 18, 2007
heys peeps!
i dont like e new timetable. make me so confused. tmr's day one or day six? i tot is day six can. cos i asked quite a no. of ppl. they told me is day six. =.= den i keep chiong-ing day six homework. nw after asking ms chan, is day one, i felt lyk an idiot can. do those homework tt dont need to hand in tmr. bt i still owe shao lao shi xiao shuo la. n i just realised there's chinese tmr! arghs! nvm.
practically chiong-ing homework today. didnt watch e charity show! i wanna watch one leh! wadever. so if tmr's day one, there's no chem! yeahs! no test den. hahas. *smiles widely* LOL! so happy. hahs. clarissa's still struggling with her homework. girl, jiayou! she's jealous tt i can blog, while she cant. wahahahahs. studies first! lols.
alright, really didnt do much except for homework! hahas. sch's reopening tmr! 5 more or 6 more weeks to mid-year? OMG! it's fast! u must agree with me tt time flies! hahas. shall stop here. bye.
signing off with passion @ {3/18/2007 10:26:00 PM}
Saturday, March 17, 2007
heys ppl.
today! HAHA! wad i did? hmm... homework. lols. was chiong-ing homework. still cant finish man. die le. when den can finish? i must finish! charissa, jiayou! hahas. chatted with irena as well. tt fairy. two days nvr eat le. no appetite. n tt sharon heng, sick still dont want to see doctor. keep eating panadol. eat too much panadol is nt good for u! still dont go see, i wanna smack u liao hor! warning!
n to irena aprina! u arh, dont be fairy hor. must eat ok! no appetite oso must eat! or at least drink smth. u cant go on lyk tt. u lyk tt where gt energy to sing song for me. wahahahahahs. tian hui! LOL!
time flies arh. today's a sat. tmr's a sun. n will be a mon. sch's reopening! arghs! anyw, changing new timetable. forgot to post bout it ystd. hahs. still two late days, however, will end at 3.15pm. woots! bt meaning tt we'll have more time for supp. n remedial lessons. boohoo! wadever. i still thinks it's late! HAHS!
n ya. ystd ms chan told us tt she wanna bring us to sci centre for some bio exhibition nxt sat. i wanna go! HAHA! n den e chem test will be postponed to e nxt lesson which is on mon! boohoo! i dont want! anyw, it's just fixed! =( she alr postponed. so no more bargaining! sians.
oh ya! changed blog song le. no more ru guo de shi. bt tian shi by wu yue tian. hahas. actually wanna put zhuan shu tian shi by tank. bt realised a lot of ppl's blog song is zhuan shu tian shi. so decided to change to tian shi. lols. both songs all gt tian shi. LOL! angels! loves! =DD
anyw, tt's bout it. tata peeps. tag pls! ty. =))
signing off with passion @ {3/17/2007 10:15:00 PM}
Friday, March 16, 2007
hellos ppl.
had bio n chem supp. today. was rather ok. ms chan taught us e topic-enzymes. chem did nt have test! yeahs! thanks ms kang for postponing it. did 3 practicals instead. 2 individual n one pairwork with charmaine, as lala n wenxin is nt here.
e individual ones were about chromatography. n e pair one was on some iron n sulphur thing. when we heat it up, damm stinky la. almost faint inside. lols. i think all of us ran outside e chem lab. lyk dont noe wad lyk tt. hahas. fire evacuation! LOL! den ours dont noe wad happened. i saw e glow; e light, den suddenly "piang", e evaporation dish broke into pieces la. i xia dao, den stare blankly, den look at ms kang. hahs. den she ask me after go out, breathe fresh air! HAHA!
after e practicals, left ard half an hour la. went to com lab. she returned us e chem test tt we did on chpt 6 n 7 de. wah! i first one to take my ppr man! cos in reg. no. den lala nt here. so i was lyk die liao la. sure fail de. i saw a green colour chop la. she put my ppr on e ppr. i was lyk wah! i passed! i passed! heng arh. hahas. miracle man! e chop is well done, even when i just passed. lols. i think if i'm nt wrong 26 ppl failed. i guess ladyluck was on my side. =))
den went through e mcq(s). after e chem supp. ended, walked hm myself again. on e way hm, i saw celestine n rachel. i was lyk "bu hui na me qiao ba"? hahas. cos in chem lab, i saw them as well. lols. furthermore, they left earlier. den i realise is really zhe yang qiao. hahs. walked hm together with celestine. they went to pasar malam la.
reached hm, eat n bathe. did some homework. den after tt do social studies proj with jiahui online. den i told celestine i might be gg to pasar malam. den she asked me to help her buy tapioca cakes n muah chee. den i sae nt confirm gg, see hw first. den she keep ask me go. must break! LOL! can see her passion for eating tapioca cakes n muah chee. lols. i keep saying wait. wait. until at nite, still nt sure. see hw. hahas. den she sae i wont go de lor. hees.
bt in e end, i asked mummy wanna go a nt. den she sae ok. hahas. celestine, i proved u wrong! wahahahahs. i went alright! bght for her la. n myself too! HAHA! i love tapioca cakes too! LOL!
oh ya! was crapping with them. nanny gt into 2nd round of audition. hahas. congratulations! LOL! i'm nt bad ok! HAHA!
shall stop here. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/16/2007 10:00:00 PM}
Thursday, March 15, 2007
hey peeps,
today's such a stupid day. i hate today! well, met sharon n irena to go to sch for A-maths supp. sians. when we walking almost reaching sch alr, mr. teo suddenly came behind us. we were still talking bout maths. luckily, we didnt sae anything tt we werent supposed to sae. hahas. well, did ok for E-maths, a distinction. bt come to A-maths, i seriously wanna cry man! flunked lyk hell. wadever.
just nw walked hm myself. while walking, thought of many things. flashed backs, reflections. asking myself so many why(s). i dont noe why too. my mind just went blank. n those why(s) just keep appearing in my head! i need a listening ear. i feel so low nw man! i just feel tt i have so many problems. arghs! there's another chem test tmr. i dont wanna fail! I MUST PASS! if nt i sure die le.
ever since coming into tis class, i feel so stressed up. everyday's just filled with lessons, homework, revisions. no homework just seems weird to me nw. it's just a daily routine tt we need to have homework every single day! i dont want! i want my carefree life. i dont want to feel so stressed up. no smiles on my face. even if i smile, it's nt totally out frm my heart. i hate to be like tis. i want to do well for my studies, bt i just cant. dont ask me why, cos i oso dont noe why. everything just seems so weird!
wad i talking about, i oso dont noe. i jus typed wad my brain told me to type. it's jus my brain controlling over me. arghs! wad is this? die la! i think i'm gg bonkers real real soon!
shall stop here. tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/15/2007 12:59:00 PM}
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
no bio supp. today! BOOHOO! ms chan's down! she's sick. get well soon yea! =))
met irena, walked together to sch with her. had physics supp. nth much though. didnt really do anything. go through e theory wb. n mr. ong gave us some notes. went through it. n den went through e self-study chapter. chpt 3-dynamics. was rather ok.
after tt, went to jiahui's hse with irena to do social studies proj. did some work. other than tt, were crapping away! hahas. ok lar. at least smth. lols. left there ard 6pm. walked back with irena. reached hm ard 6.30pm. hahas.
there's A-maths supp. tmr. i seriously dont wanna go! i dont wanna go n see hw bad i did for my A-maths. i think it's damm terrible. half e class passed. n i'm sure i'm nt one of them! i confirmed fail! wadever it is. sighs. wad's done is done. we werent tt bad. 3/9 only gt 4 ppl who passed. so be it. tt ppr is so damm difficult la. fail den fail. i dont wanna think too much! gonna meet irena at 9.45am tmr to go to sch with her!
oh ya! heard tt nanny's joining campus superstar! wahahahahs. new job yea! LOL! i think i'm gonna laugh out loud man! i noe i'm bad! bt i couldnt help it! =X HAHA!
alright, tt's all. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/14/2007 09:34:00 PM}
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
today's a little boring la hor. cos i was too tired, felt lyk sleeping during those talks. was rather interactive. e talk by han han formally known as chen qi yun, a singaporean writer who is 24 yrs old. 24 yrs old only, had alr published her own books. 2 books in fact. pro! one who is talented, composed her own melody, lyrics n stuffs. noe hw to play e guitar n piano. can write good essays, stories novels etc. admire her man! HAHA! if u guys wanna listen to her very own pieces, here's e web:
unfortunately, we didnt win anything la. e gold still belongs to SAP sch-Raffles Instituion[RI]. i guess RI is a SAP sch? nt sure =x bt i noe confirm is an independent sch.
shao lao shi vr nice la. she hired a cab for us back to sch. cos fiona needs to get back in time for her choir workshop. i guess she's gonna fork out money frm her own pocket. went back in, saw celestine, she just finished her camp, went home together with her.
reached hm, bathe n ate. den slept. slept frm 2pm all e way to 6pm la. can tell hw tired i am la hor. hahas.
alright, gtg to do my holiday homework. there's supp. lessons tmr! frm 8am to 12pm. bio + physics! jiayou! LOL! bye peeps. =))
signing off with passion @ {3/13/2007 07:35:00 PM}
Monday, March 12, 2007
i'm totally exhausted man! e event is frm morning 7.30am all the way till 5.00pm. den my sch arh, so stingy la can. dont even wanna pay for e cab fare. only pay for e going part. at first dont even wanna pay a single cent la can. come back tt tym took mrt with shao lao shi, fiona n serene. humphery went to look for his mum for dinner.
chung cheng high's [main] so damm freaking big la. i think it's 2 times bigger than my sch! they still gt tennis court, a lake[nt a very big one though]; heard frm shao lao shi tt last tym e lake's much more bigger. volleyball court, if i didnt see wrongly la. basketball court etc. however, one bad point is tt it's rather secluded. all surrounded by bungalows n terraces. other than tt, it's quite nice! hees.
their canteen's superb! gt japanese cusine leh. hw i wish my sch will have one too! hahas. jingying's sch oso has one. i'm jealous! lols. jkjk.
wad we do there? hahas. tis is e most impt part. lols. took pictures. den must lyk write a story bout e pics? e theme is hu[lake]. n we can only take e source inside e compound of chung cheng. so it's lyk only gt one lake. den sort of boring la. hahas. within our grps, some ppl gt disagreements la. bt nt me though! hahas. serene n me are innocent! wahahahs. some ppl jus wanted their own ways! so they ended up having disputes. lols. overall, going there, it's just gaining experience la. nth much. just to see our creative minds! LOL!
anyw, tmr will be e prize ceremony. i'm tired! still have to get up early. shall stop here. i need my beauty sleep! most likely, will update tmr bout it! tatas peeps.
i think clarissa had went out to take pictures with e merlion! HAHA! tag me girl! hees.
signing off with passion @ {3/12/2007 10:11:00 PM}
Sunday, March 11, 2007
to my dearest celestine mei!
as promised to dedicate a post for u! hahas. so here's a post specially for u!
although, it's just 2 days n 1 night, do tk good care of yrself alright. have loads n loads of rest. n i pity u la, needa clean tables. bt nvm. hahas. i'm sure u'll be able to do it de! jus think of wanting to get gold for ccb during syf can liao. u sure will succeed de! JIAYOU! =DD
I WILL MISS U! lols.
with loads of love,
charissa jie =))
signing off with passion @ {3/11/2007 11:25:00 PM}
today was rather fine. completed my chinese w/s alr. a yeah for me! hahas. it's lyk such a miracle for me to start my homework so early? lols. half way doing my gonghan. lols. gonna wake up early for tmr's chinese culture camp? or smth lyk tt at chung cheng. 7.30am all e way till 5.30 pm! more than a typical sch day, isnt it? well, i guess it will benefit us? who noes? hahas. anyw, shao lao shi will be with us. 3 cheers! lols.
chatting with clarissa since afternoon la. den i was lyk defining a true friend to her.
e citerias are as follow:
-one who will always be there for u no matter wad happens
-one whom u can trust
-one whom can keep yr secrets
-one who will make sure tt u are happy as always
-one who will nt neglet u
-one who will nt talk behind yr back
-one who will tell u any problems he or she encounters
-one who is very sensitive towards yr feelings
-one who will nt mock at u, if u do something wrong
-one who will inspire n motiviate u
-one who will try his or her best to help u when u need help
-one whom u can share yr troubles n problems with
this is wad a true friend shld potray.
perhaps, by saying tis much is nth to some of us. it's jus words! loads of words! bt to me, it's nth more impt than tis. a true friend! i've found u! i treasure u n i feel blessed to have known u. i hope our friendship will last as always! cheers to our friendship! <33>
Saturday, March 10, 2007
nth much. was hooking onto e com for e whole day! xDD
signing off with passion @ {3/11/2007 09:53:00 PM}
Friday, March 09, 2007
alright peeps, good news to share! triple joy! hahas. firstly, e-maths ct, 100% passes; 95% distinctions! secondly, for e CIP thingy, we clinched e first prize for both food n toiletries' hampers! p.s. both hampers, so counted as two joys yea! hahas. luckily, our efforts didnt went down e drain! LOL! 60 dollars worth of popular vouchers. e vouchers will most likely be used to buy our bio ten years series. lols. only for bio! tt's wad ms chan said. wahahahs. oh ya, n tis is so damm coincident can. for toiletries' hampers, e results are as follow: 3rd; 1/8, 2nd; 2/8 n 1st; 3/8. hahas. there's a pattern. lols.
3/8 rocks e most! we rocks to e core! =DD i'm beginning to love love love tis class man! unity is our strength! n we 3/8, must stay like this as frm today! 3 cheers for 3/8 n here it goes: 3 cheers n 3 cheers n 3 cheers for 3/8; 3/8 hooray, 3/8 hooray, 3/8 hooray! NICE one! credits to wenxin, i guess. hahas. ms chan treated all of us for a drink. THANK YOU, ms chan!
it's sort of fun having tis kind of activities organised! it helps to build up our class spirit! n tis is definitely GREAT! bonded class! 3/8's a bonded class! yes!
holidays for a week = typical school day! wadever, i shall try my best to revise as much as i can, if i have e tym. =))
pics for e day

3/8 rocks!

3/8 forever united as one! =))

our toiletries hamper! hampers frm our hearts! =]]

3/8's pyramid! our pride; our glory! =DD
tt's all for nw. tatas peeps.
p.s. 57 more days to someone's big day! =DD
signing off with passion @ {3/09/2007 04:19:00 PM}
Thursday, March 08, 2007
alright, today was sort of sians la. lessons as per normal. during homeroom, ms chan changed all our seats! now my neighbour in front is lala; behind me is wai kit; my left hand side is yuan yun; n towards my right is e windows! LOL! den had sbl. nth much. nxt was social studies, had e presentation thingy. was ok. my hands were sort of trembling. hahas. eng, ms ng didnt teach. bt gt holiday homework. she left us to study our chem test. bt i was chiong-ing geog at tt point in tym. so yup, nxt was recess.
during reading period, mr teo jc[social studies teacher] came into our class n explained e holiday proj. nxt up, chinese. did some gong han ge shi. followed by bio! nice! bt ms chan wasnt vr happy as we were late. bcos shao lao shi released us late. so yea, she went up to take a look. mrs diana was in e bio lab la. den when she came out, she said our class is so AMAZING, need teacher to go n fetch us down. lyk wad the... nvm. ms chan scolded roger la. den continued with e practical tt we couldnt finish ystd. nt hands-on though, she demostrated. =))
den man pang so funny la. ms chan ask him to demostrate. den e pH indicator is in e liquild form de mah, den is in e bottle. he didnt notice tt e cap is still on. he jus overturned e bottle, e cap drop into e solution la. hahas. wrong demostration. HAHA! tt's wad ms chan said. lunch break. didnt went down. was in class with few other girls. mugging chem. studied together with yijie. hahas. she vr cute la, funny in some ways.
den had 2 periods of maths. mr teo finish one whole chpt liao lor. so fast can. n luckily, he didnt return e A-maths ppr, cos he haven finish marking. i hope he returns it after sch reopens. hahas. dont spoil my holiday mood! lols. bt he said, e results was disappointing. bt rite, we just started on A-maths, haven adapt mah. his target for our class is lyk 100% pass; 50% distinction. bt i doubt 100% will pass. cos i'll be one of them who failed. lols.
stayed back for chem test. e ppr itself is nt really difficult, however i didnt really study! no time! n i was damm tired after e past few day's late nights. so... i tink my 40% is gone. wadever it is. no choice. it's over! we needa noe e concepts n properties, noe e reasons n will noe hw to do le. sighs. let's nt bout it alr. left sch at 5.30pm. went out for dinner.
alright, let me list out hw "free" i will be during e holidays. hahas.
homework n tasks list
1. bio tb ex
2. bio e-learning task
3. e-maths tb
4. physics theorey wb
5. physics e-learning task
6. chinese ws
7. chinese letter writing
8. eng letter writing
9. eng compo
10. social studies proj
11. geog ws
12. chem ws
13. chem theory wb
14. study for chem test[16/03/07]
15. overall revision
my calender during e march holidays
12 march-hmt camp
13 march-still hmt camp
14 march-bio supp. + physics supp.
15 march-A-maths supp.
16 march-bio supp. + chem supp.
tt's bout my march holidays. it's practically study! study! study! just like a normal sch day. ms koh actually oso wanna give us geog supp. bt due to e tight schedule we have, it's called off. hahas. if nt, i couldnt make it as well, cos of e camp. lols. teachers are fighting over us for e time slots. wahahahs.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
E-maths test! nt vr diff. i managed to do. bt only for tt last qn. i didnt manage to show tt equation. bt nvm. i think i still can pass. hahas. mr teo's target for us is 100% pass; 100% distinction. tt marks e end of our ct! yeahs! however, i dont look forward to seeing e results! hahas. alright, den had usual lessons.
during geog, ms koh didnt teach as she was having a headache. we told her to REST! REST! HAHA! hahs. so we just did our work. funny converstaions we'll always have! LOL! den ms koh made a confession to us. guess wad? she left our river nile's script, tt 15 marks qn in e cab as she almost vomitted in e cab la. she hurriedly ran off e cab to go hm n vomit la, resulting in forgetting to take e scripts. nvm. we forgave her! hahas. my longggggggg essay leh. bt nvm! lols.
den e bio practical. hahas. LOL la! we did tis experiment using chicken n cow's liver to test bout catalase? sounds a little gross yea! bt tt's bio! lols. den jiahui keep saying disgusting la. she didnt dare to see. hahas. i cut e liver, den used e forceps to pick in up, and was supposed to put into e test tube. at tt moment, my hands were rather shaking. hahas. den when i put in tt tym, didnt aim properly la, it dropped. den i was lyk finding it, drop hw come nt on e bench top. den jiahui suddenly shake her hands, as e liver dropped onto her hand. e liver landed onto my ppr la. so funny lor. i was lyk laughing non-stop. she still produced tt eeeeyeeeeeerrr sound. hahas. she a bit slow[fan ying chi dun] la. hahs. e liver dropped on her hand for few seconds, den she eeeeyeeeeeerrr. hahas. bt ended up, i didnt dare to wash e apparatus. HAHA! jiahui washed it! tyty! lols.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
i cant really rmb wad happened. in fact, nth really happened la. hahs. bt i thought tt it was such a miracle tt CCA was cancelled for us due to common test! hahas. MIRACLE! LOL!
tmr's CIP day! woots! no lessons. GREAT! we'll be doing up our hampers n setting up e flea market stall! 3/8 peeps, JIAYOU! i believe we can all do it! MUST WIN! tt's wad jiaqi said. hahas. =))
kk. tt's all. bye ppl. tag pls! ty.
signing off with passion @ {3/08/2007 10:22:00 PM}
Monday, March 05, 2007
wth! idiotic charlie! u think we wad? aliens arh? can do 'o' lvl qns izzit? heard frm wenxin is cambridge qns. irritating la! sure flung one lor.
eng n mt was rather ok. had ppr 2 for as well as ppr 1 for eng. it's compo n compre. e compo was rather difficult, bt managed to doodle something la. i wonder did i write e qn no. for my chinese compo a nt? die la. wadever. hand up liao. shall buck up for my e-maths ppr. no point brooding over tt stupid a-maths. wad's done is done. sighs.
went to jiahui's hse after a-maths ppr to continue e social studies proj with irena n sharon. did someone's birthday card at e same tym. nt bad la. hahas.
anyw, nth really happened. bt thinking of tt a-maths ppr really ruin my day! i really wanna cry my heart out! perhaps, it's a way of relieving my stress n sorrows?
hope tt u ppl did well for yr ct. all e best for yr results! =))
shall end here, gtg n do up my gong han. tata.
signing off with passion @ {3/05/2007 09:29:00 PM}
Sunday, March 04, 2007
hellos ppl!
first of all, good luck to all who are taking their common tests tmr! jiayou! believe in yourself n u will succeed!
i shall go mug my maths, after blogging!
i told clarissa tt i will blog bout tis. hahas. it's jus a stupid conversation. lols. cos she listening to ah niu's dui mian de nu hai kan guo lai mah, den tis person[to protect his/her identity, i shall nt disclose his/her name.] hahs. so let's continue. den tis person come n say nice of her, listening to his song. lols. she dont get it. therefore, she asked tt person, wad he/she meant. e person replied, saying tt cos she supporting him. den we were lyk saying tt, listening to a person's song, must be supporting him meh? i told her tis, if i listen to indian song, tt means i'm an indian supporter izzit? she HAHAHAHAHA la! LOL!
i'm feeling so stressed up nowadays la. i dont noe why. i cant find e reason. it's weird. my mood isnt really right la. i can get irritated n angry vr easily. tt's nt me! i wasnt lyk tt! i want my old self back! for those whom i attituded, i sincerely apologise! sorry!
once again, good luck to all! n to jingying, good luck for your results yea! =DD to celestine n clarissa, jiayou alright! add tons of oil. i believe both of u can do it! must reach out for e skies! to my lovelies, u all can do it! mug hard! aim high alright! loves!
to end off, i will end with a code, " knowing is nt enough; we must apply. willing is nt enough; we must do! " tt's all! bye peeps! =))
signing off with passion @ {3/04/2007 05:32:00 PM}
Saturday, March 03, 2007
today's fine. did all my filings. n some homework. haven do geog yet. other than tt, yes! done it! therefore, i shall practise n mug my A-maths tmr! i dread common test! i dont want! can anyone pls save me? i'll be grateful for life!
anyw, girl arh. dont worry too much la. u sure can get into triple sci class de. must believe in yourself! dont stress yourself too much. jiayou! i believe in u alright. i hav confidence in u!
i have been telling ppl dont put too much stress on themselves. dont worry too much, everything's gonna be fine. bt seriously, i simply cant! i am stressed up! i'm gg bonkers la. sighs.
n ystd while chatting with clarissa. i suddenly thought of wad if i graduate? i will cry man! i dont want! i'll miss everyone! i hate e feeling of saying goodbye. e feeling's terrible. hw i wish it wont happen. bt, if tis doesnt happen, i wont be able to carry on to further progress. hais. 'o' lvls are nearing la. one year ltr. time flies la. however, i will be taking 'o' lvl chinese at e end of e yr la. n there is oral! arghs! i think is july or aug? i cant rmb!
i still rmb when i first stepped into coral la. it's lyk jus happened ystd la. bt nw i'm sec 3? OMG la! time really flies vr quickly! one more yr to crap! n tt's it! seriously, nw ppl keep saying e sch tis n tt. want to leave. bt when u really leave tt tym, u'll regret. n so quoted frm celestine n clarissa's pm; "ppl tend to regret when they lose smth." it's TRUE!
tt's for nw. tata peeps! tagTAGtag!
signing off with passion @ {3/03/2007 11:57:00 PM}
Friday, March 02, 2007
hello ppl!
sports day=raining day! was raining throughout! despite e rain, they continued with e event la. it's lyk only until 11 plus den they dismissed us, as e rain was getting heavier n heavier. e tracks are all wet n it's sort of slippery la. some fell.
anyw, had lunch, went tm n den watched just follow law! damm idiotic funny! i was laughing lyk hell la, until my stomach oso pain. e whole cinema was filled with laughters! however, e ending wasnt tt good. BLACK n WHITE! LOL! i couldnt rmb clearly bout e story. mixture of some coarse language la. bt i noe it's simply FUNNY! i will rate it 3 out of 5 stars?
met mummy n auntie carol. had kfc for dinner. reached hm around 7.30pm. did my summary n vocab. slept at 1am.
many absentees in other classes! bt our class full attendence. ystd too alright! lovely! oh ya, saw a few ppl with bandages. 3/9's been moved up! hahas. had 2 hrs of eng. 2 tests for eng. actually 3 tests. bt nt enough time. so yup, just 2. spelling test n a compre diagnostic test which cost us $25. if there's tym, we'll be having our compo ct. bt too bad. shall have it e nxt lesson instead. n found out tt chinese ct is zuo wen. nt main ppr. it's on mon! arghs! so fast! can i nt take it? A-maths n E-maths! i dont want!
nxt up, physics. mr ong taught us bout inertia. i think completing e chpt soon! had homework! sians.
had assembly. first tym hearing dm praising ppl. wahahahs. talked bout a donation drive. n today, i realised coral sec students are filled with much enthusiasm. HAHA! went to find mr. teo wanting to get back my maths homework, so difficult la! nt in staffroom. having meeting. didnt wait for him as i'm gg to jiahui's hse to do s.s proj. on e way out, we saw police cars streaming in la. dont noe wad happened. a total of 4 police cars! OMG la. so damm many.
anyw, started on e proj. havent complete yet la. so tired man! kept yawning! went back to sch eventually to get back my maths homework. went hm with celestine n rachel. reached hm ard 6.15pm. did practically nth. so jus blog!
oh ya! thanks to ms chan! for helping me to get my stuffs frm mr teo! =)) greatly appreciated!
alright, shall stop here. vr tired! shall post soon. bye peeps!
signing off with passion @ {3/02/2007 09:34:00 PM}