Monday, April 30, 2007
first, my head's gonna burst man! i think i will go bonkers sooner or later. it's just too much! the stress's too much, the pressure, the every single thing. it's like I MUST DO WELL! i cant afford to fail any subjects. i dont mind just passing, as long as it's a pass.
first time feeling so stressed up over exams luh. my happy-go-lucky days were gone, and it would nvr return ever again. the smiles i used to potray werent the same as before. it's more of a stressed one instead of a cheerful one. i'm tired. and real tired. sometimes i really feel like giving up. bt seeing hw far i have come, it's really wasted if i just give up like that.
nxt, cheer up my girls! you girls can definitely do well. dont feel so down after knowing that you didnt do well for one ppr. dont dwell and keep hogging onto the past. it's over. let the matter rest. dont feel discouraged, cos i'm sure you girls can do it. i have absolute faith in you guys. jiayou! =DD
let me get back to today's lesson. it's all fine luh. nth much. chinese, shao lao shi said she marked about half of the class's letter writing. she said i did ok. oral shld be also ok. so it's a sigh of relief, i guess?
my girls stayed back, wanting to ask mr ong for consultations. bt he had class till 3.15pm. so we waited, while waiting, we went to borrow a marker frm our mummy chan. then had a-maths consultation by ms zhuang, ms goh and ms lai. LOL! they are just wenxin, jiahui and maple. hahas. students. lols. bt i actually understand their teaching luh. thanks girls! loves!
physics consultation was alright la. then went home. bathe, eat and nw here blogging.
ystd, i didnt go online. it's such a miracle, isnt it? hahas. i think it was. lols. i was spending practically the whole afternoon doing just one chpt of bio notes. it's tiring indeed. my neck nw hurts luh. hees.actually what i really worry for are my sciences, maths[especially] and humanities. languages still nt so bad. sighs. can anybody tell me wad to do pls? i'm really lost.shall blog my exam's schedule out. hahas.
2 may - english ppr 2 and social studies3 may - e-maths ppr 1 and geog4 may - mother tongue ppr 25 may - someone's big day, as well as bio extra lesson and consultation time7 may - chemistry ppr 1 and 28 may - physics ppr 1 and 2; mother tongue ppr 39 may - e-maths ppr 2 and a-maths ppr 110 may - a-maths ppr 211 may - biology ppr 1 and 2 [100% passes; 50% distinctions!]15 pprs in 8 days. isnt it cool?shall end here. gtg and mug le. bye peeps. jiayou for the upcoming exams ya! (: believe in yourself, aim high and reach out for the skies.
p.s. it's labour day tmr. rest well ppl. it's just the start of our challenges and it shall be starting in two days time!
signing off with passion @ {4/30/2007 07:22:00 PM}
Saturday, April 28, 2007
hellos peeps!early in the morning, my mum fetched celestine, irena, wenxin, sharon, lala and me to school. and celestine sat at the back! i missed sitting at the back luh. it's been a long long time ever since i sat there. >.<well, bio lessons frm 8am all the way till 10am. and chem lessons frm 10am all the way till 11.05 am. ms kang released us early! (: we can leave once we finished the test. and the test's damm damm difficult. even ms kang admitted that the test's hard! it's of a higher standard. our ppr wouldnt be so hard. a sigh of relief. hees.lunch out with my girls at burger king. was fine. went to pop to get some stuffs. wenxin and irena took neoprints. 4 dollars only. it's promotion period. then home sweet home.came home, bathe and slept. slept frm 3pm all the way till 5.30pm, can see hw tired i am luh. alright, shall get back to mugging nw. there's still a long long way to go! jiayou! i will try to get this over soon! (: bt omg omg omg! the stress is back! die le la. hw hw hw? any pretty one wanna save me? i think i will get depressed even before taking the exams luh. =.= so much pressure! can i dont take the exams? sighs. the tension is there. and it's just 4 more days away, yet i'm still slacking away? i pronounce that's really the end of me man! hais.
i love mummy chan! you are a great great teacher man! pls dont ever ever decide to go alright! we'll miss you if you ever leave; the whole class will turn chaos without you. pls dont say we can do without you. we'll always be there for you as promised! so cheer up ya! (:
so till then, bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/28/2007 05:55:00 PM}
Friday, April 27, 2007
omg man! i can tell you today's such a miracle? dt actually asked me to answer his qns, which he nvr used to called me? everytime he called me, was to help him give out worksheets. =.= i was like stunned when he called upon me luh. thanks to wenxin who helped me! let me start of with the day first. today's morning sharing was fine! (: daryl went up the podium to perform for the whole sch, and it's like solo alright. it's like nice? despite failing so many times, he kept trying. that's wad 3/8 peeps must potray. the never-say-die attitude! although he didnt managed to play it for the whole sch, he performed for our class, during english lesson. it's nice. i love the melody. (: ms ng played and sang for us too. it's awesome! she still claimed that she didnt noe how to play luh.sbl, the rest of the grps did their presentations. and ms chiam said that just one of the group had a grade 'D' and i guess it's our group. everything corked up or rather cropped up at the last minute. well, nvm luh. there's still the final report and the reflections to help us pull up our grades. after recess, mt. did past year's exam ppr. was difficult luh. then maths supp. was cancelled, so went to study with celestine, jiahui, lala, wenxin and irena. was ok la. at least i read part of my notes. hahs. then we hide at one corner to study lor, the ppl behind was vr noisy luh. then the girls went to report. then ended up the librarians went over, and saw us sitting there. she raised to the top of her voice luh. "where are you all sitting here? get out! you shldnt sit here and block the pathway, or rather the shelves." it's like fine, just come over and tell us nicely right? must scream meh? everbody turned and looked at us. =.=anyw, i love my girls luh! they are all so sweet. (: i realised that there are still so many ppl out there who's so sweet lor. that time go polar order cake that auntie who served us is so nice la. just nw when going hm that time, saw her and went over to say 'hi'. she's so sweet. she wanted to treat us a drink. it's like we dont even noe her, yet she wanted to treat us. she's nice la. she actually remember my name and jiahui's name luh. and guess what she called adela, she called her 'nutella'. hahas. perhaps gt the 'la' behind ba, furthermore that time the cake we ordered was called nutella. LOL! alright, shall end here nw. there's bio and chem extra lessons tmr. 8am all the way till 12pm. jiayou! hahas. there's chem test. and my notes are all still waiting for me to get them prepared. so till then, bye.
signing off with passion @ {4/27/2007 07:25:00 PM}
Thursday, April 26, 2007
well, today wasnt vr good luh. i dont have the mood to post, i dont noe why. i guess it will just be a vr vr short one?lessons as per normal. chem test results were back. ok la. i didnt fail. (: bt the ppr wasnt vr difficult. i'm so dumb luh. study alr, still get this kind of results. maths. binomial expansion. it's confusing? tmr's the very last lessons before our mid-years start. gosh! why does time flies?? i havent finish preparing my notes! arghs. i just did part of a chpt of social studies. and nth else? OMFG! when can i finish? die le. i'm just slacking away and wasting my time each day when i shld be taking the time to revise and stuffs? omg la. how how how? whenever i think of studying and preparing my notes, i will automatically shut down. i dont feel like doing anything. i'm indeed strained out. anyw, had pe. that teacher arh, we want to play captain ball as a class, she dont let. say so much things. just bcos she heard some stuffs, ask all of us to go up the stage and sit. fine, we sat there all the way till recess. 3/8's so united. we can still play there. hahas. eng! finished watching "the sweetest thing", it's nice. thanks mummy chan for booking the AVA room for us. it's greatly appreciated! (: then physics, as guessed, i flunked that rubbish test. it's difficult! sighs. nvm luh. try harder nxt time ba! jiayou! hees.then before going home, smth happened. anyw, i'm fine alr. *she* apologised to me le. so no worries. i'm alright! stress luh. everybody's stress. you take it easy alright. hahas. my phone will be on for you always, as promised. if you ever get locked in the room, give me a call and i will help you call for the locksmith! LOL! okays, till then, my lovelies. gotta go and prepare my notes le. bye.** i guess i lack of motivation? sometimes, i really wonder.
signing off with passion @ {4/26/2007 08:30:00 PM}
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
alright, this shall be a short post! just bcos of xueren luh. my loyal fan! wahahahs. today was rather fine. nth much happened. geog. funny man! those laughters, i guess we'll gonna miss it! ms koh! pls dont go! arghs. ms koh's leaving us. *sadded* luh. i dont want change teacher! sighs. cme was free period! however, i was chiong-ing my social studies. hees. eng. that's omfg! it's so idiotic funny?! i was laughing throughout the whole movie. hahas. it's damm funny luh. the movie's title is known as "the sweetest thing", if i nvr rmb wrongly. hahas. then maths. nth much. physics extra class! it's terrible. the wonderful test! i dont noe hw to do luh. and we were given an extra qn apart frm 3/9's qns. it's difficult! arghs. guess i'm gonna flunk it. =xalright, shall end here. i wanna go do up my notes le. if nt no time alr! exams just nxt wk, and i feel that i'm slacking away? oh gosh! i really dont want to fail any subjects. redundant remark luh. who in this world wanna fail hor? dumb me.okays. tata.
signing off with passion @ {4/25/2007 10:15:00 PM}
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
well, here to post some emotional stuffs? hahas. just bear with me luh. i think i will feel better after posting it out. hees.hmm... ystd after seeing all those tags in class blog, it really makes me feel sad? not that anyone made me upset, bt just became vr emotional? dont want to see our papa bcos if papa appears, meaning mummy might be pregnant and will leave us just like ms koh? hahas. that's siding's tag. that girl's cute luh. mummy said that she will not get married so soon right? hehs.then mummy asked, so we want her to remain single for the rest of her life is it? hahas. no luh, i still wanna see your kids! hees. bt i suppose no one will want mummy to leave? i admit that we are selfish? bt it's sad luh. we cant imagine how we would survive without mummy's sweet encouragements, her smiles, her handwriting. and omg la, her handwriting's simply so nice? hahas. even mr ong says so. lols. she's treating us so nice, i will dread to leave her when time comes man! mummy, can you dont treat us so nice? =x i'm sorry to say that, bt that's the fact? the nicer she treat us, the more we wouldnt want and bear to leave. cos we are all so attached together, the bonds that we share, the jokes that we cracked, the heartwarming conversations that we have. it's just too sweet. then made me think of nxt year. after our 'o's, we'll leave. and it seemed so fast? i'm in sec 3 now, and nxt year will be taking our 'o's. time really flies! imagine leaving, everyone's gonna be apart. no more mummy. no more lovelies. i will miss them luh. i will miss my girls, my precious memories with them. their smiles; their sweetness; their loveliness; their everything. how i wish time would pass slower? bt you noe, it's impossible. all these are just illusions. =x although we always say how bad is this and that, bt when it's really time to leave, we'll cry? we'll nt bear to go? and we'll nt want to go?although we can go back, have class gatherings, bt it will not be as often? by then, all of us will have different schedules. it's so difficult to accomodate luh. sighs. therefore, we shld treasure every single moment we have together starting frm nw. (:alright, enough of those emotional stuffs. today was rather fine. just blog bout those more impt stuffs. hahas.that ET arh! complain so much. still can play with soft toy luh. =.= *** somemore leh. i saw it. lala saw it. i suppose wenxin too. like he can teach vr well like that. our mummy's the best ok! our seniors say you cant even teach! so wad if you are the ***? vr smart arh? can complain. dont worry mummy, wo men ting ni dao di! you are the best! we'll prove to them that we, 3/8, can do it! 100% passes; 100% distinctions! jiaqi sae 50% crazy arh. must 100%. lols. she's another cute one luh. hahas. 3/8 must jiayou! we wouldnt want *her* to take over right? let's work hard together. bring pride to our mummy! (:chem. had observation as well. i wonder why all the observation stuffs are coming into our class? hahas. was fine. heard frm the rest that the teacher fell asleep? lols.and had maths. mr teo told us wad? call us study ourselves. he might nt have time to cover the whole syllabus. like wth? study ourselves? 3/9 alr doing revision, yet you telling us that you cant complete the syllabus. and you still expect 100% passes; 50% distinctions. omg la!and just a short one for ystd. english and chinese language ppr 1. ok lor.eng compo. i wrote smth bout 3/8. the choice that i made and how it had affected my life. hahas. letter writing's bout recommending some head prefect or smth like that. that chinese arh. the setter die die dont want us write si han luh. the topic for si han is so difficult. i wrote gong han instead. zuo wen, i wrote bao zhang bao dao. in total, i wrote 12 pages for both language pprs, both components. so 4 components, 12 pages. i suppose it was ok? hehs.alright, i guess it's long enough. stop here for nw. gtg and mug my physics. test tmr, two chpts! arghs.
signing off with passion @ {4/24/2007 08:55:00 PM}
Sunday, April 22, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to OUR LOVELY MUMMY of 3/8!you are loved by me! eh... no no no. by your 40 kids - 3/8! hahas. all the best in wadever you do. stay sweet, lovely, pretty, adorable, young etc. just rmb that your 40 kids will always be here supporting you all the way. there's still a long long way to go together. hope that you wont get freaked out by our noisiness and craziness! LOL! it's just four months together with you, but i felt that i have known you for dont noe hw many donkey years? i feel so comfortable with you, i can tell you wadever problems i have. thanks for being there for me! it's greatly appreciated! (:as for our academics, dont worry luh. we'll excel! we'll all do well! we'll all make you feel proud of us! we'll shine just bcos of you, our pretty and young mummy! just await too seeing us bring glory and pride to our class. therefore in conclusion, our achievements; your pride! we hearts you! 3/8 ppl, jiayou for tmr's exam ya! you guys can do it de! everything has just started! we'll excel together as a class! reach out for the skies! =DDto those who are taking their exams too, good luck and all the best!stopping here. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/22/2007 03:25:00 PM}
Saturday, April 21, 2007
well, today's extremely loved! had ms chan's birthday surprise celebration. our mummy's birthday! she totally freaked out? she ran away upon seeing us carrying the cake and singing happy birthday song to her. hahas. her reaction so cute luh. lols.
reached school today at 7.15am. looked for ms kang to help us put the cake into the fridge. thanks ms kang! she came so early just bcos to help us keep cake. so nice of her luh. furthermore, she helped us to look for teachers that will be in the staffroom at 10am to get the cake out for us, as she had lessons at 9.30am. so she gt mr robin paik to help us. thanks to him too!
during bio extra class, was kinda thinking of this and then also bcos of last night slp at 3.30am or rather this morning. too tired. then we kept asking ms chan can we go? and she actually thought that we cant wait to leave as the lesson time was too long alr. hahas. bt no? we just wanted to rush down and get ready for everything.
chocolate coated cake. she still strolled down frm the bio lab. go in to staff room, put her stuffs then come out. so SLOW! the cake started to melt, by a bit luh. lols. so so so funny la. she really ran away luh. the girls pulled her back? hahas. then cut the cake and stuffs. celebrated; a successful one. all of them had brought vibrant to this special occasion. it's loved! (: 3/8 rock on! it's all your effort that had made today a successful one. it's so sweet.and mummy really didnt suspect anything? she is so innocent can. few days back, i called her to ask her wad colour she like, then the next day we brought a black cardboard to school. she said she didnt notice. then i asked her, wad type of cake tastes the best. she said chocolate. she asked me why. i told her that my friend's birthday is coming, dont noe wad cake to buy for her. and she actually fall for it. worse still, that day my msn nick was: 3/8 peeps! bring two dollars tmr. settle the prob fast. and she said she didnt see it. how innocent one can be luh. she told me that every thing ppl say, she believed. and yes, i pronounced that it is absolute true.went central after that to have lunch with them. and then home sweet home. today's much loved! I LOVE YOU, OUR MUMMY! our mummy as always! you are always just so sweet! and i shall dedicate this to you on the behalf of our class: WE LAID OUR LOVE ON YOU! and THIS SHALL ALWAYS BE! no one can break all of us up. the bonds we share are simply unbreakable! hope that this would be your most memorable birthday ever! as quoted frm you, our mummy: "thanks for everything today! i'm very very touched... this is the best birthday i ever had." this might be the best birthday you ever had, but we hope that it will be the most memorable one too! (:you dont worry for us. we will definitely work hard and do the best we can. the promises we made, we will do you proud. and make you feel proud for us. we will shine not for anyone else but just for you, our pretty and young mummy as always! 3/8 will and 3/8 can! you shall await to see each and everyone of us shine. our achievements; your pride! i guessed you cried? hahas. anyw, shall end here. bye.
**pics will be uploaded soon!
p.s. we will see our daddy soon! yeahs!
signing off with passion @ {4/21/2007 10:20:00 PM}
Thursday, April 19, 2007
and yes peeps, back to posting after resting for a was rather sadded? well, let me start out for the day first before talking bout all these sad stuffs. first period was eng, ms ng didnt do anything much. just told us those formats of letter writing. released us 15 mins earlier to get up to the bio lab to get ready and wait for those thai visitors. ms chan was so nervous, that she was sweating all the while. hahas. then they finally arrived. was rather fine la. jiahui dont dare to use that sort of like tongs thing to take out the test tube frm the hot beaker of water. ms chan asked me to do. i so scared drop luh. my hand trembling until like dont noe wad. well, i succeeded. and i think i took dont noe hw long to take it out?nxt was geog. was ok. went thru ws and had usual lessons. then had recess. after that was maths. those thai visitors walked past our class again, then they were like smiling to us. then we laughed. LOL! i wasnt concentrating during maths lesson luh. i was upset, angry or wadever it is. i was replying letter to my penpal. i wrote two pages without leaving a line ok. then was social studies. was fine too. after lunch sbl. sians. wad sbl presentation. we didnt prepare the script. go up there, anyhw talk. our slides were rather plain? nvm la. then had physics extra class followed by bio extra class. ended at ard 5.30pm. reached hm 6 plus. ok nw, i shall blog bout wad happened luh.
i didnt meant to attitude you all. bt it's like i kept quiet cos' there's five ppl, and you all were happily chatting away? then wad shld i do? i dont even noe wad you all talking about. i cant possibly cut in right? it's like rude? moreover, when you all left, you all didnt said anything. just left like that. you all just walked off like that. have you all thought about my feelings? put yourselves into my shoes la. when you are being left out, you still can smile and chat happily away? that's obviously a no. you want me to face you all and smile when this thing is happening, i ask you hw to smile? after lessons, you all also just walked wad, nvr wait for me or anything. nt i jealous or wad, bt do you all understand hw you would feel when you are left out? wadever it is. if you all happened to read this post and felt that i'm still in wrong or you all felt angry, i apologise in advance.
i so felt like crying in the bus la. i controlled. came hm, my tears just dropped uncontrollably. nt as if i'm a cry baby or wad. i'm just felt disappointed and terribly upset. i thot that either of you would asked me wad happened. i was wrong. none of you. and you all were still merrily away. fine, and it shall be. you guys had proven me wrong.
anyw, ha-mei's having her prefect investiture tmr. jiayou alrights! (: wo ting ni dao di!i'm in no mood to post for ystd stuff. bt the only things that i remembered was that i flunked my geog test terribly! and i reached hm at 9.15pm. did sbl proj luh. then before going to jiahui's hse, went to order erm... you will noe on sat! hahas. oh ya, specially thanks to lalas, celestine and clarissa for being my listening ears! i felt a little better. however, i'm still sad. bt dont worry alright! i will be fine. alright, shall end here. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/19/2007 07:40:00 PM}
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
well, this morning slept at 4am. 2hrs of slp. cool, isnt it? was chiong-ing chem portfolio, still nvr finish luh. go sch continue. then i realised i forget to bring my crystals. hais. luckily can hand in the crystals tmr. (:during mt, was so sleepy. want to slp, but scared, so i just laid my head down onto the table. nxt was eng. ms ng announced smth. she's gg to leave sch in august. sighs! i dont want! she's nice luh. had so much laughters during the class. recess. maths. watched the matrix. a part of it only. was rather fine. i was busy decorating my chem portfolio. bt at least smth gt into my mind, i can rmb some. cme, watch movie. bt i was doing my chem too.after sch was still touching up on my chem portfolio. finished at 2.30pm. then rushed up for cca. i thot start at 2.30pm luh. went up, the rest alr settled down. i think ms tan's real angry with me. i didnt do anything today. cos i wasnt given anything to do. and i just sat there. wadever it is. alright, shall stop here.** 3/8 peeps. our project yea! hahas. may it be a successful one.wth. internet connection these few days keep gt prob! arghs!okays. bye.
signing off with passion @ {4/17/2007 10:24:00 PM}
Sunday, April 15, 2007
here are the pics as promised to post. enjoy yea!
14 april 2007
lovelies! (:
13 april 2007

ms chan! cheers! =))

ms chan and me. i like so scared of her luh. stand until like that! LOL!
ms chan and me.

ms chan and lala.12 april 2007

mary-ann and me.


OMFG! wad's sharon doing?

sharon's the superwoman!

irena and wenxin playing under the rain.

i look so retarded. =x

sharon's meditating.



wenxin's so strong!

ah jie hao bang orh!

sharon and my crystals.

my crystals.

irena so muscular!

i love her! (:

irena and me!

two adventurers.

wenxin dearie and me!

the lovely xueren and me!

irena, wad are you doing?


lala's face gt cut half. hahas.

this is hw the school's carpark looked under the rain! LOL!

mr ong's so cute!

mr ong so happy arh?

the surroundings of the school.

the four ah siaos.

tablet pc's so cool!

wenxin dearie! smiles.

ms kang!11 april 2007
lala dearie and me!
grace and me rehearsing for the public speaking too.
ms kang! bt she camera shy.
jiahui so strong! carry so many things.
ah jie thinking of who arh?
grace and me.
shao lao shi.
jiahui buddy and me.
irena and sharon rehearsing for the public speaking.
wad's yijie doing?
ah jie, you doing wad arh?
alright, that's all for nw. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/15/2007 05:25:00 PM}
Saturday, April 14, 2007
hey there lovelies,
i'm feeling so tired today! however, today's extremely loved! had chem extra class frm 8 to 10am. bt ms kang let us off early. i think ard 9.15am or 9.30am, we were alr released. waited for ms chan for extra bio lesson [shld be bio consultation?], as she had 4/8.
finally started after waiting for her for dont noe hw long. irena, wenxin, lala, sharon and me = we! hahs. had funny funny conversations in bet. the sessions. lols. it's extremely funny. ms chan's afraid of ghosts. hahas. then they keep scaring her. lols. i have a clearer understanding nw for enzymes. specially thanks to lovely ms chan!
teach halfway. all almost fainted. all vr hungry. hahs. we asked ms chan wanna join us for lunch. she agreed. then asked us where we wanna dine at. we at first said ws. she asked ws gt wad to eat. then blah blah blah. [too much things, hahas. lazy to elaborate.] so finally agreed with tm. nxt qn, wad to eat? all dont noe, keep saying anything. then reached tm, at the carpark, when ms chan wanted to reverse, suddenly one car drove vr fast like wanting to hit the car like that. then inside the car, ms chan said, "excuse me, we are nt having a race or wad." smth like that la. hahas. cant really rmb every single word. lols.
asked ms chan to decide wad to eat, she asked us to decide instead. frm coral sec till tm, still cant decide. then i decide la, pastamania. all ordered the same food. LOL! creamy chicken spagetthi. hahas. i cant finish! i gt so bloated after eating half of it. then we sat there and chat chat chat!
left there, went to popular. wanted to ask ms chan help me choose guidebooks! bt she said all still old syallbus. so wait! in the end, just bght my colour pprs. then went shopping ard getting birthday present for some ppl. i cant say who for nw. so shhhh. only those who came along noes. hahas. bght a book! shared the cost with each other. then ms chan say buy one present so long. hahas. ms chan arh, keep playing ard with my name la. keep calling me "charis-sa". hahas. keep emphasizing on the "sa". lols.
took neoprints before we left. look a bit retarded la. lols. bt i loved it! hahs. it's nice alright. (: then ms chan arh, alamak la. we chose her that so natural looking photo, she keep saying dont want. then i pressed one time, she delete one time. in the end, i think the time's up, we didnt get that pic! hais. anyw, nvm la.
the carpark fees cost $4.05. it's so expensive luh. ms chan still say nvm. hahas. she's nice or rather generous? today's simply nice! went out with lovelies. so long nvr go out le lor. i wonder when will be the nxt time round. mid-years approaching! i'm stressed up. sighs. pretty ones, who can save me?
oh ya, then on the way back that time, so scary luh. almost met an accident? actually ok la. hahas. one reckless driver dont noe is drunk or sleepy or wadever, suddenly wanna cut into ms chan's lane when ms chan's car so close behind. almost collided. then ms chan horn-ed the car. hahas. then sharon asked wad happened, then i explained to her in chinese mah. i said " na liang che tu ran yao chi jin lai." ms chan said it was such a professional term to use. hahas. then i was like "huh? really?" my mum always like that say de leh. hahas.
thanks ms chan for the lift thru and fro, still alight me right till my doorstep. nt doorstep la. bt rather my hse downstairs. hahas. sincerely thanks!
*** celestine's my penpal. i love you girl! thanks for all the jokes and riddles and trying to cheer me up. it's vr much appreciated.
gtg le. bye peeps.
p.s. pics will be posted in the nxt post.
signing off with passion @ {4/14/2007 07:00:00 PM}
Friday, April 13, 2007
today's so loved! btw, 3/9 finally gt their spot check. i think the whole sec 3 alr finish those spot checks. today's first period, eng. ms ng didnt come. then was sbl, we did it at comp lab 4. drew lots for presentation. we gt 19 april 2007. third grp. ok la. at least nt first nor last grp. maths. mr teo didnt come too. gave us ws to do instead, cos he needa attend to some hongkong teachers and principals. shao lao shi suddenly came in and said that the hongkong teachers and principals wanna come and observe our lessons? by 11.25am must be in the comp lab. at first sae dont want, suddenly sae want. xia si ren le. hahas. bt tablet pc is real cool alright! it was fine and nice. (:
then stayed back to do up some filming for mr ng. after that, went down to accompany lala as she was doing up all her filings and stuffs. waited for her and went home together. took pics with ms chan and she had a solo pic. hahas. good good! i have all the three biostrysics teachers' photos alr, shall compile it soon and upload to our class blog!
met wenxin, lala, meiyin and sharon to go for the ptc (parents' and teachers' conference). walked there. joking and crapping along the way. all our parents didnt go except for lala's mum. had all those talks. bt wad struck me most was BEST!
B= Believe
E= Encourage
S= Support
T= Time
we went there like bimbos. stay there like vase. only keep clapping and nth else. after all the talks, the parents' could go and meet the teachers'. we talked to mr ong, ms chan and ms kang. love biostrysics. love biostrysics teachers! love biostrysics class too! i hearts 3/8 man! specially thanks to ms chan for the lift! thanks loads! love you too! =DD
there's chem extra lessons tmr frm 8 to 10am. and i guess i shall stay in sch for bio after chem. gtg peeps. ;loves!
signing off with passion @ {4/13/2007 11:59:00 PM}
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i think today's the most embarrassed day? early in the morning, wad public speaking, made me so malu. first was sharon, talk halfway, suddenly she said "huh?" then the whole sch laughing. irena wanted to ask her talk louder cos she didnt notice shao lao shi's action. lols. then irena go vr close to her lyk tt, hit her using her elbow, sharon ended up "huhing" and laughing. then was my turn, they said it was soft? somemore, worse still, when i want to change my ppr to the other hand, it slipped off my hand, and landed right the the edge of the podium. luckily, i finish reading le. so malu. grace keep laughing, cos my hands trembling. hais. wadever la, it's over. at least i went up. ms chan said it was cute? LOL! so funny.
first period, chem! saw our lovely blue-ish crystals! then did a experiment on simple distillation. was fine. (: nxt was maths. did and solve problems and sums. was pe after that. 2.4km. and i passed! yeahs! thanks wenxin and mary-ann for those encouragements.
after recess, was mt. cool! had lessons in the library using tablet pcs. was camwhoring with the rest. then eng. had mock compo ppr. was difficult! ): at first we saw a relief teacher in there, then we thot the test was cancelled. however, who noes that it's still on. i dont noe hw to do la. =x
after lunch was physics. pressure, the last chpt before mid-years. went back hm after that, i suppose. tt's for nw. tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/12/2007 11:45:00 PM}
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
wow! today's even a better day man! morning woke up, muscles all aching! terrible; it's so painful! lots of things happened. first in the morning, dm goes up the podium and said classes for spot-check today... 3/8 and... i think ystd was 3/7? and today's our turn! hahas. i realised that spot-check can make one high! LOL! after the spot-check, our class's lyk so high man! hahas. and this is so cute! hahas. biostrysics teachers all came and help us check our stuffs! HAHA! dm checked frm the front, while ms chan checked frm the back. she told us to take everything out frm our bag. then checked half way, ms kang came, and joined in the check. a while ltr, mr ong joined in too! they are all so cute! hahas. and lala's prawn cracker gt confiscated! lols. hp dont confiscate bt they confiscate food and sweets. hahs. then ms chan said, adela one packet of prawn cracker! hahas. i think she wrote it down. hahs. we all burst into laughters. then ms chan continued saying "got free food!" hahs. then we told her cant eat, ltr fat. hahas. then guess wad she said? "i'm alr fat!" wahahahs. then dm asked all of us to take off our shoes. then sae want nice nails cant fold socks, must wear it properly. hahahahas. dm's theorem. lols. and i guess our class spot check vr fast luh. so fast finish one.
den went for mt. used tablet pcs. so cool can! hahas. den chem. we were vr late for lessons as shao lao shi released us late. i guess ms kang's angry. it was supposed to be a practical session, bt it was postponed to tmr. geog was nxt, ms koh didnt come in for lesson. there's work to do. bt couldnt complete it. =x
after recess, cme. was fine. (: then eng, played game! yeahs! hahas. at first ms ng came in with e mock exam compo pprs. then at first we were told that it was on thurs which is tmr luh. so we bargained with her. so she agreed tmr and it shall be. =D and guess wad? compo test can be open-booked. lols.
during lunch went to find mr benny ng due to some cca filming and stuffs. then was maths. mr teo taught half way and he had to leave the class for some photo-taking sessions. hahas. after that, chem remedial. was ok too! went thru corrections are stuffs. some ppl are really vr noisy. couldnt stand it. ms kang gave us sweets! hahas. we all lyk so hungry lyk that, all the sweets were gone after a few mins or rather few secs. lols. she gave more. hahs. she sae energy boost! lols.
after chem remedial, still needa stayed back for rehearsing tmr's public speaking. damm terrible and horrifying la. imagine tmr 1400 pairs of eyes staring at you. OMFG! will jelly leg man! HAHS! rehearsed so many times la. then the HOD came, then said this and said that. must louder, must look ard, must this and that. i wonder why must louder? there's mike tmr, isnt it? then must look ard. i alr so nervous, hw to look? somemore talk slower, when one is nervous, sure will talk vr fast one rite? unless that person is abnormal man! hahahahas.
ms kang's so nice. cos' we went to looked for ms chan, then we dont noe she left alr. then ms kang came out and asked us, whether is it gt any things wanna put on her table? we said no, we needed moral support! LOL! then we asked her out, at first she say dont want. cos' she sae dont want to take over ms chan's place. we talked so much then she finally came out. gave us comments; encouraged us. helped us to edit those scripts. thanks ms kang! hahas. left sch at ard 6.30pm, i suppose. reached hm at 7pm? btw, took loads of pics today! hahas. shall post it nxt time round. oh ya! then ms kang hugged lala. then we all oooooooo... hahas. then i said we so jealous! HAHA! then her reaction so funny!
i would like to thank all these ppl [nt in order though]:
grace lovely - helped me in reading the second part of the script.
jiahui buddy; lala dearie and wenxin dearie - stayed back with all of us and helped us took pictures.
ms kang - helped me edit the script. wenxin did help too! thanks!
well, that rounds of my day. how i wish tmr will nvr come? i'm so nervous can! actually tmr can come, bt rain! wahahahahs. that will be the best! LOL! alright, shall stop here. bye peeps!
signing off with passion @ {4/11/2007 10:06:00 PM}
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
to my dearest celestine,
if you happen to read this. cheer up girl! i noe you are terrible upset. i suppose the whole band too? u guys arent the worse. at least u all noe that you have done your best, and gave your best shot. the time that you all had spent together, the practices, the camps, the joys and laughters you all had together. that's enough, isnt it? it's nt all about the medals, nt about the ranks. it's all about the bond that you ppl share. smile alright! in fact, i'm proud of you. you still have a chance in 2009. work hard for that; learn frm your mistake. i'm sure you will be able to succeed. jiayou! rmb? i have absolute faith in you!
`cheers! =))
signing off with passion @ {4/10/2007 11:12:00 PM}
hmm... wad a nice day it was? lessons as per normal. ms ng came in for a while to finish up the show and tell, then left for band stuffs. maths was nxt. was a little boring?
bio lesson. ms chan didnt come in, had band as well. worksheet was given. nt easy luh. all my notes are in the bio file. nth to refer to. and then the most funniest thing is that ms kang came in for relief. then everyone thot tt she was taking over the period for lesson. LOL! then she said, "no no no, u all continue with your work. i come in for relief only." hahas. then the class was like chey~
after recess was really chem. had that quiz. it wasnt difficult if you studied. i studied alright, bt i forgotten some. had to draw separting funnel, i drew filter funnel instead. =.=
had napfa. and can u imagine that someone who was supposed to do standing broad jump can actually sprained her wrist while doing so? retarded, isnt it? and that person's me. i sprained my wrist la, without even doing my inclined pull ups. i had a hard time doing that. bt i managed to pass. so nvm. (:
went home. was awaiting for band's syf results. the result was a little saddening. cheer up ppl! (: u guys have tried your best! a quote for you guys, "you may not have reached the goal you set for yourself, but look how far you have come." i noe you all had your intensive training too. bt the judges... sighs. ms chan said that you all dont deserve a bronze at all. hais. look on the bright side yea! smiles alright!
shall end here. tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/10/2007 10:39:00 PM}
Monday, April 09, 2007
well, as promised to dedicate a post for celestine ng rui ting. here it is:
celestine arh. must jiayou ok! must call me tmr and say, "charissa, band gt gold leh!" i have absolute faith in you as well as CCB. rmb this: fear brings nothing, but pressure. confidence will bring all the skills and knowledge that you will need. dont stress yourself up. relax and chill down alright! (: just give your best shot ya! dont feel discouraged over today's results. i'm sure tmr will be a better day! a better shot! when you feel tensed up, just huxi huxi; xiqi xiqi. everything will be fine. will be alright. hope that this post will make you feel less tensed.
`cheers! =DD
signing off with passion @ {4/09/2007 09:38:00 PM}
well, today starts school at 8.15am. had six hrs of slp. was ok. first period chem, new chpt? actually, nt really la. paper chromatography. learned it before. bio. was fine. had this wonderful surprise quiz. i dont noe hw to do. =x it's confusing! so many arrows! new terms and such. cant rmb the spellings too!
after recess, maths. finished up e chpt. n go on to e nxt chpt. bout some circles, i suppose? LOL! den lastly physics. went thru the worksheet. gt homework. i dont noe hw to do la. so difficult. so chim. arghs!
hmt. by then, i was too tired! hahas. did test pprs as usual. the weekly routine. tt's concludes my day!
i feel like crying. dont ask me why; i dont noe either. i think i might breakdown someday.
btw, to all ppl gg for syf band tmr, jiayou! bring the gold back alrights! (:
saturday and sunday
practically slack-ing and homework-ing.
gtg. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/09/2007 08:27:00 PM}
Friday, April 06, 2007
first of all, i wanna wish irena, happy birthday!
may all your wishes come true. stay happy and cheerful as always! you will definitely succeed in wadever you do de. must believe in yourself! i have faith in you alright. jiayou!
alright, back to today. hmm... wad happened? hahas. let me recall.
oh ya! today suddenly jumped out of my bed at 8am, thinking tt today gt sch. my mum asked me wad happened. i sae needa go sch. den she sae today public holiday. hahas. den i remembered, dumb me!
woke up at 10am. met jiahui at 11am. went to buy someone's present. n tt auntie who served us, attitude gt prob man. her face so black la. we didnt do anything wrong lor. rushing for time la. irena's so cute. cutely dumb-ed! hahas. we planned so much stuffs behind her back, yet she didnt found it so coincident. lols. cute! hahs.
met wenxin and meiyin, passed them the money. ask them go buy the tickets first. today really so damm many ppl. so many ppl all want to go watch movie la. gv's queue so damm freaking long. no more mr bean's holiday tickets. went to cs. the mr bean's holiday tickets left 3. so in the end, watch meet the robinson instead.
went to pizza hut for lunch. was nice! den when we walking over to cs tt tym, we saw a little boy la. he was lost. den we helped him to the infomation counter. den tt boy arh, so cute la. i held his hands, then he grabbed so tight la. den they behind me laughing, cos they sae i like his mother lyk tt. wadever, anyw, i did a good deed! =))
den reached e cinema, the door close alr, den went in. sat down le, gt all those advertisments de mah. den suddenly gt one mickey mouse clip playing la. we at first thought tt we went into the wrong theatre. so funny la. hahas. den no la. after we saw the end, den felt relieved. hahas.
overall, the show was fine. n the moral of the movie was: keep looking forward. i love the ending song. simply nice! although nth much interesting bout tt show, it's after all the times we spent together, isnt it?
after that irena left, cos she had smth on. e rest of us[wenxin, meiyin, jiahui and me] went to shop ard. wenxin and meiyin went to buy desmond's present la.
after tt, they all accompany me go popular to get some guidebooks and stationeries. den they waited for me for so long la. paiseh arh. i took such a long long time to choose the books. so many different types of varieties la. in e end, bght the a-maths and physics one. cos i asked ms chan for recommendation for bio de. she said tt wait for a while more. now still old syllabus. wait for new syllabus.
then went to mac. had mac flurry. n off we went home. we took 359, e west plaza one. hahas. went one big round. lols. was fun chatting and gossiping with u guys out. in conclusion, today is great and loved! i enjoyed myself and certainly hope that you guys did. (:
sharon arh, nvr join us today. dont go where. outing with her secret admirer arh? secret dating! hahas. helped her composed poem for her instructors. first attempt. hahas. let me post it here. it is a thank you poem. here it goes:
There are no words to match our gratitude,
However all these while, thanks for all your guidance.
Above all else, you've shaped our attitude, our passion for the ruans.
Nurturing us with all your might.
Knowing you had been a wonderful experience,
You are the best person whom we’ve ever met .
Out of your heart we've learned the things we ought,
Underscoring the pieces you’ve ever taught.
oh ya! HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY TOO! hahas.
tmr then chiong homework. vr tired le. gonna rest. GET WELL SOON, MS CHAN!
alright, bye peeps!
signing off with passion @ {4/06/2007 09:21:00 PM}
Thursday, April 05, 2007
well, today was fine. started off with homeroom. ms chan changed some ppl's seats. n guess wad? she changed roger n samson's seats to behind me la. they really can chat man! n mr yuan came into our class telling us bout e oral exams in e afternoon. n i thot tt we would skip sbl lessons as e letter given earlier on states that oral examinations will start at 1.50pm. who noes he came in n said tt ours will start at 3.30pm n we will be split into 6 grps.
nxt eng, had show n tell. nth much. bio! loves digestive system! it's so cool n fun exploring e digestive system. n e human's body system is ms chan's best friend! LOL! she said it herself. hahas. den combined humanities. as usual. those laughters. lols. lesson was fine. den ms koh said tt she hopes tt her baby would be a boy. we asked her why. she replied with boys smelly, sweaty dirty, nvm. somemore no need keep bathing him. HAHA! girls must keep them clean, pretty n smells nice! so funny can. den she sae nxt tym ask her child to eat rice with soya sauce. hahas. den jiaqi said tt nxt tym when she old, her child ask her to drink soya sauce arh! HAHS! so funny la can. we all burst into laughters!
after recess, shao lao shi came in n told us some stuffs. n we were supposed to do smth lyk wad i did at chung cheng high. it's so difficult luh. she say cos gt principals, teachers or dont noe who la frm hong kong or dont noe where, forget alr la. they wanna come and see us hw to use e tablet pc. maths was ok la. continued with tt e-maths chpt. gg to finish soon! yeahs! social studies was nxt. had test. e test was nt vr easy. e factual qns, yes. bt nt e source based qns. i dont noe hw to explain. during lunch, was reading thru some oral preparation notes. den sbl. was fine. did data tabulation.
finally, oral! i was in grp one, and the teacher in-charge was ms lee. she was rather nice. (: she tested us on first come first serve basis. hahas. so i was e second last frm 3/8 grp one. e passage was way too hard! so many chim words. i dont noe hw to read, keep stammering. same for the conversation. tt's so OMFG! e topic's bout some charity; donation drives. i dont noe hw to sae. sae until NKF! LOL! my words n vocabularies are all used up la. keep on repeating e same words. i hope i wouldnt fail. *prays hard*
ms chan's fever n cold are back! tkcares yea! GET WELL SOON!
tmr's good friday! as well as someone's big day yea! gg out for movies tmr! cool isnt it? i havent been stepping out of e hse for so long except thru n fro frm sch. tt's it. looking forward! shall stop here. will update more bout it tmr! tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/05/2007 11:18:00 PM}
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
wow! today's such a wonderful day isnt it? morning went up e podium to get tt COP. vr malu la. tt wasnt e worse! go back. homeroom. gave out progress or rather result slips. it's so nice isnt it? i flunked so terribly. n tis is so unbelievable. i cant imagine tt my e-maths was e highest among e rest of my results? n it was an A2. others B n Cs. i flunked my a-maths, combined humanities and physics la. physics by a little only. wasnt tt bad.
so carried on with lessons. bio was first. i passed my bio test! woots! hahas. den combined humanities. those stories again. hahas. geog lessons are always filled with loads of stories and laughters. =DD physics. did the practical test. was rather fine. bt the answering qns part. hahas. i dont noe hw to do. =x recess was nxt.
two hours of continuous maths. bored. bt i didnt slp! hahas. den lunch. after tt went to com lab. had lessons. ok la. listened to songs. shao lao shi gave us some passages to practise for tmr's chinese oral exams. wah! nervous man! she gave me n irena e passage to read for nxt thurs le la. hw i hope she forget? bt she didnt can. e passage so long. i gonna stammer on tt day.
after chinese. still had maths supp. at 3.30pm. we did the linear inequalities test instead. do finish can go home. had some careless mistakes! arghs! hope tt i can pass! *prays hard*
we are skipping sbl lessons tmr due to oral. hahas. den will have chem remedial for e rest. 3.30pm to 5pm. i shall join in too! anyw, fri's good friday and someone's big day! no lessons. a yeah! lols.
alright, shall stop here for now. gotta go n mug social studies. and do tt eng compre + summary. bye peeps!
signing off with passion @ {4/04/2007 07:59:00 PM}
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
ms chan didnt come today! she's down; sick!
alright, first was physics. i passed my previous test! yeahs! hahas. mother tongue, nth much again. however, tmr's lesson will be in e com lab! woots! eng. ms ng wasnt here as well. had some work to do though.
maths. ok la. cme, saw some pics on some bull or rather cow fighting? nt vr sure. =x i feel tt cow n bull do look a bit alike. hahas. after sch went to find mrs wong. ask her bout e vietnam trip. jiahui n me still cant decide whether to go or not. sians. in e midst of considering. lols.
CCA. seniors stepped down alr. re-formed the grps. ok la. was told tt we would be gg up e podium tmr to get some cert. of participation. vr paiseh leh. nvm la. take alr, go off, can liao. hahas. hope nth will go wrong tmr. hahs.
there's maths test tmr on linear inequalities. can i nt take e test? hahas. i noe it's impossible. so forget bout it.
btw, 3/8's class blog is up! 3/8 peeps, pls do tag and post. if i missed out any of your links, pls do tell me. i will add it asap! or if i linked u ppl wrongly, tell me alright. i will make the changes. thanks! i hope this blog will stay alive! hahas. loves 3/8! 3/8 rock on! oh ya, here's the link :
cg did nt get gold, instead a silver. nvm la. ppl, cheer up! (: u guys have alr tried yr best. it's alright! anyw, i noe u guys had really practised hard. had intensive training. bt you cant change the fact, isnt it? so must well try harder nxt tym! anyw, i think tt it's nt yr fault la. it's e judging system gt prob. so shall end here, cheers! =DD
signing off with passion @ {4/03/2007 11:16:00 PM}
Monday, April 02, 2007
chatted with ms chan this morning at 1.33AM. hahas. i'm still awake, lols. cos chiong-ing work n studying test. bt nth seemed to get into my mind. hahas. chatted with jingying too! hahas. she was telling me hw cutely retarded her posh was! LOL! ok, e conver's funny. hahas. i concluded tt he's really retarded yet cute. hahas. back to ms chan, counselled her, until she removed her pm off. hahas. HAPPY! yeahs! i can be a counsellor alr! HAHA!
n today's geog test really spoilt my mood. i cried while doing e ppr la. i dont noe hw to do. i dont understand e diagram. many of them *******. i'm nt gonna say wad they did. bt just guess it yourself alright.
first period. napfa test. 2.4km, n we werent inform earlier on. i flunked it. hahas. i ran for 3 rounds and started walking. lala's even pro. she ran one and a half round n she started to walk all e way. anyw, this isnt tt bad.
social studies. had some lesson observation stuffs, and thus, e test was postponed to thurs! mdm fazilah came in. we played some games and had some grp discussions. mother tongue, was as usual. nth much.
last period was maths. mr dennis teo didnt come. a relief teacher came in instead. n we had e geog test. it made me so damm moody after e test. sighs. stayed back for hmt. did test ppr. weekly routine. den guess wad? shao lao shi said tt nxt thurs, she want me n irena to up e podium to read some passage? tt's OMFG! it better rain! hahas.
oh ya. my new personal msg. n i think all had to agree with me. lala agrees with me n found it cool. LOL! here it is : it's so perfect to be in 3/8, isnt it? homework, tests, projects are those nvr ending routines. isnt it wonderful? tt's my conclusion to be in 3/8.
den i told lala about creating a class blog for e rest. she agreed. we created and we were so enthu can. hahas. find skin, songs and everything. it just seems so cool! hahas.
you guys can do it de! jiayou!
alright, tt all. tata peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/02/2007 11:20:00 PM}
Sunday, April 01, 2007
busying chiong-ing all my homework and tasks. shall update again tmr! there's geog test tmr! arghs! wish me good luck. cos i sure fail de. no need say too much. fullstop.
bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {4/01/2007 11:15:00 PM}