Friday, June 29, 2007
first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARON!my fan; my ballet pai zhang men ren; my snow woman!
enjoy this SWEET 15 of yours! may all your wishes come true. i love you! stay _______ (fill in the blank yourself) hahas. hope that you have enjoyed yourself today and hope that you like the birthday letter. HAHA! (: with love,side-way pai zhang menp/s i know the details like all almost the same or in fact the same la. no choice, cant think of any others le. just bear with me alright. hees.lessons were fine. chemistry, PE and chinese. during chinese, ms tan came and tell me and jiahui that we were on duty for the youth day celebration's filming. so last minute, but nevermind. took charge of two sec ones. i almost vomitted blood man. asked them to sit down, in the end sit already, dont want to stand. and qijun arh, keep talking to them. very distracting lor. back to the celebration, some parts of the "concert" were funny. especially the PE department. omg! i'm kept laughing non-stop. hahas. most of the teachers sang. we have chan mali chan, guan huai fang shi, etc. that was from the science department. there were still many other presentations from the other departments.finale, mdm ng [p], mrs choo [vp], mdm ch'ng [dm], mrs selena tan, mr benjamin quek, etc. they sang "bad day" by daniel powter for us. was rather nice. (:and when we filmed halfway, almost till the english department and finale, battery flat. left two minutes. and it was kept for those two performance. it throughly went flat during the finale halfway. so yeah, monday's a school holiday! (: BOWLING! BOWLING!THANKS to ms chan and shao lao shi for the chocolates and drinks respectively. (:alright, till then lovelies. gotta go and study for my biology test. there's biology lessons till 10.45am tomorrow. hmm.. the girls are playing badminton in the afternoon, maybe i will pop down and take a look? hahas. dinner at night, and the kusu island trip is being postponed to the september holidays. ): bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/29/2007 08:08:00 PM}
Thursday, June 28, 2007
lessons as usual. nothing much. mr teo didnt come for lessons as he went for re-service. mr ong, the trainee came and took over instead. was fine. (:chemistry extra lessons till 4.30pm. went to central. and i sprained my wrist due to the heavy books. it's painful alright. ):anyway, i'm trying to recuperate my wrist. i still want to bowl on monday with my girls. i'm looking forward to it. =DD so i shall stop here for now, dont type too much. rest more. hahas. bye. (:
signing off with passion @ {6/28/2007 09:30:00 PM}
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
lessons today as per normal. nothing much. first geography lesson with ms pushpa = ms mathani. i hope i didnt get the spelling wrong. =x lessons ended around 3.20pm? went to look for ms kang. ask her can postpone the test. so the test is being postponed to dont know when. went home and bathe. then headed down to ws with my girls. go be typical people. hahas. GST increasing le mah. LOL! then bought quite a number of things. hahas.there's chemistry till 5pm tomorrow. good luck to me.alright, shall stop here for now. off to do my work. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/27/2007 09:35:00 PM}
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
was a long day today. and seriously, i'm so tired. lessons as per normal. there's chemistry test on friday and biology test on saturday. geography test would most probably be held next week. i'm tired!3/8's gonna go on a kusu island trip on sunday. =DD coral reef walk at 4am in the morning. i'm sure it would be fun with those lovelies around. i'm looking forward to it, or rather we are looking forward to it. hahas. (: maths lesson, mr teo said he could only use 3 weeks to complete one chapter. then he carried on by saying, you all need something very important, two person can share one. guess what was that? a STAPLER! how lame can he be. and he asked me whether i understood his lesson today. a miracle, maybe? hahas.other than that lessons were pretty normal. we listened to zhong guo hua by S.H.E during chinese lesson. was fine. and wenxin owns two phones. hahas.CCA after school. was irritated by those groupings. we dont want to be spilt up! arghs! must you all do these? so what if we are experienced? you didnt consult us and asked for our opinions, then you made your own decisions. unreasonable, isnt it?some emo stuffs which i heard. and i'm worried and afraid. would you be there for me? quite a long day tomorrow. must rest early. cant sleep at 2am like last night. it's terrible man. i so feel like sleeping now. i shall stop here . gotta go and finish up my work. and off to bed! bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/26/2007 08:30:00 PM}
Monday, June 25, 2007
today was fine. first day of term 3. a fresh new start. (:new timetable, new table and chair*. should i say new teacher as well? since our geography teacher's gonna change.*bcos my table and chair were changed to dont know where. hahas.quite a number of teachers were introduced. admin stuffs. then had english lesson, was damm funny! ms ng was hilarious. she asked us to set our targets for the eoy and write down 10 ways of how we intend to achieve it. after that, she talked to us about those friendster comments that she saw during the holidays. it was so funny luh. the whole class laughed until like dont know what. you = eww, miss = miz, etc. HAHAHA!recess. next up was social studies. lessons as usual. after that was biology. did some work. and had homework. oh ya! i didnt attend hmt lessons today as i'm having a headache. so got to know that the GCE 'O' level chinese oral exam would be held on 11 july. and i'm the first one on the list. OMG! think i'm gonna faint man. gosh, can anyone take that place of mine? i dont want to be the first one! arghs. so ya, that's about school today. now some personal stuffs. honestly, i'm feeling troubled this few days. things are happening at one go; one shot. i think i cant handle it. i dont think i'm capable of handling those stuffs. perhaps, i will go bonkers sooner or later? i seriously dont know what to do. i'm confused. i dont know how to reply you. i dont know will we be like before. i was stunned upon seeing your message. i really dont know. havent been chatting with you for such a long time, i felt that we were just like strangers. no topics and everything. but what i can say is just that let nature takes its course. (: and spsp! what's happening to you? everything's so weird. your actions and reactions are getting weird-er. you arent like before. is there something wrong? or do you really have sp, like what they think. i certainly hope not though. whatever it is, it's just weird and scary. they are afraid or rather we are petrified. if this goes on, maybe someday i would be sp too.alright, guess i shall stop here. gotta go and do my work already. oh ya, there's campus tonight. bye peeps. (:
signing off with passion @ {6/25/2007 05:30:00 PM}
Sunday, June 24, 2007
quiz-time!1. Cigarette: it stinks.2. Friends: my dearies and girls. (:3. Relationships: the feeling of being loved?4. Power rangers: havent seen it for many donkey years.5. Marijuana: what's this?6. Shit: toilet.7. Crack: quarrels.9. Love: hmm... 8. this question somehow disappeared.10. War: cold wars.11. Car: i wanna drive!13. Halloween: weird characters popping out.14. Bon Jovi: singer.15. Religion: different beliefs.16. My space: going online.17. Worst fear: insects and pests.18. Marriage: everlasting and loving?19. Fashion: it depends.20. Brunettes: i dont know about this.21. this question somehow disappeared.22: Work: work attachment. <3323: Past time: tons of them. (:24: Football: not really into it.25: One night stands: a big NO!26: Pet peeve: i dont get it.27. Pixie Stix: huh?28. Vanilla ice cream: it's much loved!30: High school: fun and enjoyable. =DD31: Pyjamas: bedtime.32. Wood: trees.33. Surfing: the net.34. Pictures: those fond memories. (:35. First love: the first person you have ever loved.actually, i have done this quiz before, but this time round with different views and thus different answers. (:
signing off with passion @ {6/24/2007 07:08:00 PM}
finally i could view my posts. =DDtoday was actually fine before some weird things happened. and i meant it. WEIRD things. well, i shall not elaborate about it. it's a long long story.tuition starts at 12pm. and i jumped out of my bed man. i heard the door bell rang and woke up at 12pm. hees. i quickly wash up and everything. lols. did physics today. was fine too. there wont be tuition next week as there's a wedding dinner at night. (: mum asked me to set it on sunday instead. i dont want as it's youth day. HAHA!and i chatted with clarissa. =DD it had been such a long time ever since i last chat with her. she took my friend test and actually got #90. impressive huh. she said she guessed some of the answers. hahas. but it was a good guess after all.'s reopening tomorrow. reporting time at 8.15am. the typical school cycle starts to go on again. late nights; early ups. this shall go on until the september holidays which is a busy period as EOY will start very soon after it. there goes my holiday. well, study hard, that's what i would say. (:why cant i just turn the time back just for a week? i really hope man. seriously, i havent finish enjoying and time just swift past. will the next holidays come as soon too, sometimes i really wonder.what should i get for you? *thinking hard* will my wishes come true if i had wished upon the glazing stars?
alright, i shall end with a quote for today which i have came across - "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelouthat's about it. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/24/2007 06:15:00 PM}
testing. (: OMG! why cant i view my posts! irritating man! what happened to blogger! arghs!
signing off with passion @ {6/24/2007 02:13:00 AM}
Saturday, June 23, 2007
hey peeps,
met maple, wenxin and her two little cousins at around 11.30am. they were such cuties. hahas. jiawen and jiajia. they still got one more youngest sister named jiahui, however she werent there. went to ws, and we were supposed to babysit the kids. hahas.
went to library first, return those books. popular was next. headed to the neoprint shop after that. some things happened. i shall not elaborate about it. i'm lazy to. just one sentence to say, the lady's there is super duple kind and nice. ya, that's the sentence. hahas. anyway, those neoprints were nice. (:
p/s i havent scan the pics yet, shall upload it soon alright.
the kids and wenxin went to more than words. and those two cuties were so thoughtful that they even bought something for jiahui, their youngest sister. such sweet girls. =D
went to NTUC and bought sushi. hahas. yummy yummy!
and i have officially completed my english assignment. i'm only left with chinese. i shall get it done as soon as possible. off to do my tuition homework first as there's tuition tomorrow.
so ya, in the meanwhile enjoy your holidays. till then lovelies, bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/23/2007 08:30:00 PM}
Friday, June 22, 2007
today was fine. had geog supp. from 10am to 12pm. had lessons, and the test was postponed! i studied till almost 4am this morning leh. i suppose apple too. well, it's alright though. hahas. and got to know that our new geography teacher would be an indian known as ms ______. sorry, i dont know how to spell her shall be revealed when school reopens. time flies isnt it? it's almost the end of june already, which means someone's birthday is coming. hahas. it also means that end-of-year would be approaching soon. it's time to pull up your socks, isnt it? work hard and get over this. that's the best way out. i gotta buck up and work hard for this coming semester, i promise. i wouldnt want to let my parents, teachers and most importantly myself down. no more of being lazy but the opposite. when school reopens, it means that i have to go through the 'o' level chinese oral and listening comprehension very soon. and i suppose i would be taking the paper 1 and 2 on the 31st october. oh gosh, why must all these come so fast?when school reopens, it also means that there would be more homework, more assignments, projects, tests, extra lessons. the environment would be more stressful than before. it's time that we learn how to cope and manage that stress. half a year gone, two terms had past so swiftly, more obstacles ahead...jiayou peeps! especially to my dearies, if there's a will, there's always a way. be confident to take a new step and venture ahead. bring it on! (:youth day's also approaching, and that shall be a date for bowling, if time allows. hahas.yesterdayhad chemistry extra lesson. did practical - titration. was fine also. we were supposed to get some grey liquid out of that green liquid by seeing how much solution we need etc. went through some questions as well. and we were told that there would be a test coming up very very soon as well as we could not go on a holiday during the november holidays as there would be lessons, want to go, only can go during the december holidays.and we were released late. lunched out at hilltop. hahas.the day beforehad chemistry extra lesson. had 3 hours of theory. was released late too. lunched at ws. gotta go to ws tomorrow to return the books which i have borrowed the way, 3/8 peeps! biology lesson tmr's being CANCELLED as ms chan's sick. so ya, please try to spread around. and if possible, to the 3/2 peeps as well. thanks a million!alright, a long long post for today. that's about it. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/22/2007 04:30:00 PM}
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
hey peeps,omg! i'm in love with cantonese songs. HAHA! sort of unbelievable huh! hees. there's chemistry extra lesson tomorrow and the following day. heard that doing balancing equation and is quite difficult. so i told lala SLL. si liao la. hahas. and there's a titration practical on the following day. homework are almost done. so yes, completing soon! jiayou. (: came across this, and i found it quite meaningful. actually, it is one of the advertisment on tv. however, i found it on a picture instead.[L] is for the way you look at me[O] is for the only one I see[V] is very very extraordinary[E] is even more than anyone that you adorenice, isnt it? and ms apple zhuang score full marks for my friend test, she did it verbally though. hahas. first #100. (:to my ballet pai zhang men ren, GET WELL SOON! rest well and take care.with regards,side-way pai zhang men renHAHAHA! alright, that's for now. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/19/2007 07:35:00 PM}
Monday, June 18, 2007
i have something to say before i blog for today. hahas. my hand got cut yesterday, and i was looking for a plaster, yet i couldnt find one [original one]. ended up i found the one for junior one. and it's disney princess. no choice but to use it. when i look at it, i keep laughing la. like so dumb.
and i suddenly open my eyes at 3am and thought of wenxin's evil hour. i hurriedly went back to sleep. creepy yea.
woke up pretty early today. went back to school for biology extra class at 8am. quite a few of them didnt attend. continued with plant nutrition. was fine. (:
and ms chan suddenly stared at me cos no one told elieen. then i was like..omg. i was like so stunned. hahas. in the end, i suppose siding had told her. so yes, lols. lala and sharon were laughing. i didnt know if ah jie did. hahas.
went to central hilltop eat dry ban mian. and there's a LKKLTK there. keep staring and he actually winked at sharon. hahas. and LKKLTK is sharon's new theorem. funny la. lols.
and when i reached home, i bathed and slept till 4pm. too tired. hahas.
well, peeps, shall stop here for now. got to go and change for dinner tonight. so, bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/18/2007 05:15:00 PM}
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Create your own Friend Test hereahahs. finally, i can post my leaderboard up. people, go take the test. see how well you know me. (:
signing off with passion @ {6/17/2007 09:08:00 PM}
as mentioned earlier on, i have got to dedicate a post for my fan, sharon heng shu hui. the ballet pai zhang men ren. hahas.
you better take care. later really no voice. still eat pringles and curry chicken. you dont intend to talk already is it? hahas. now your voice really very low, very man leh. lols. go visit the doctor if you still cant recover, if not i smack you arh. school reopening le hor.
with loves,
side-way pai zhang men ren
another dedication to celestine. rather an apology dedication.
sorry girl, i know you have been wanting to go to kbox. however, i always couldnt make it. sincere apologies.
today was fine, i did my homework. that 50 words vocabulary. havent finish yet! arghs~
tomorrow starts the typical school week. biology lesson from 8-10am. at night got dinner, but i wanna watch campus! however no choice leh, definitely must go. die die must! sighs.
anyw, i forgot that there's biology lesson next sat, from 8-10am. yesterday night or rather this morning, when i was about to sleep, i suddenly remembered. so i msged the tutor and changed time. but she couldnt make it. so i shall have it on sunday, from 12-2pm instead. (:
and electricity tripped today. no electricity for like almost an hour because of the rice cooker. fortunately, dad's friend came to repair. i was sleeping so soundly until woken up by my grandmother.
school's reopening in a week's time. charissa, buck up! jiayou! (:btw, HAPPY FATHER's DAY to ALL WONDERFUL DADDYs!yup, that's about it. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/17/2007 07:40:00 PM}

You are The Sun
Happiness, Content, Joy.
The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.
Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.
The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
well, took the tarot card test. found it quite interesting. hees. go do the test. lols. i shall post a new post for my fan as promised later on. hahas. (:
signing off with passion @ {6/17/2007 05:55:00 PM}
Saturday, June 16, 2007
well, i woke up late today man. around 2pm. i woke up several times, but went back to sleep again. so ya, hurriedly got up and got ready for tuition at 3pm. tuition was fine. started off with A-maths, and seriously, i felt that i understand better now. her teaching's much more understandable. (: however, it's more of practices. did binomial theorem though. next week would be doing physics. and tuition next week's from 10am to 12pm. pretty early huh! nevermind ba.quite a few questions for homework. at first, i thought there wouldnt be homework as there isnt any assessment books, yet she gave it from the textbook. so be it, i shall do it. (:alright, tomorrow's a sunday, and that means it's gonna be a typical school week with extra lessons going on everyday next week. it also meant that school's reopening real real soon. and geography test's waiting for us on ya, that's for now. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/16/2007 08:22:00 PM}
Friday, June 15, 2007
i'm back ppl! hahas. was busy. lols. doing homework. hahas. nevertheless, i'm still not done with it. i dont know how to write the zuo wen leh. 'o' level question, very difficult leh. i started the first paragraph. and i'm stuck there! arghs.chatted with celestine just now. funny conversations that we had. hahas. loves! (:well, tuition starts tomorrow. every saturday frm 3-5pm. good luck to me ppl. and dont call me at that period of time alright. hahas.yesterday
dental appointment at bukit batok. dentist said that i had gum imflammation. so ya, my gums lost blood. hahas. it was still bleeding even after i came out of the clinic. can taste the blood man. so disgusting!went to the pasar malam. hahas. last day, and i got to eat my kickapoo ice pop once again! yeahs. ahahs. the pasar malam lasted for 3 days only lor. so short period of time, isnt it? my arm's hurting because of bowling. pain pain. but nvm, it's all worth it. hahas. bowling is loved! anyw, i shall post the leader board of my test. hahas.first: sharon heng [my fan] #90 second: celestine ng #70third: adela lee #60fourth: stefanie lee #50ppl, go and take the test! hahas. my true friend. (:here's the link once again:, miss apple zhuang had went back to malaysia today. yi lu shun feng; bon voyage. take care. and miss goh jia hui is leaving for her genting tomorrow. take care. yi lu shun feng and bon voyage too. hahas.dearies, bowling once more before school reopens alright? hahas.alright, till then lovelies. bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/15/2007 04:44:00 PM}
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
peeps,here's the test as mentioned. enjoy doing. (:alright, i cant seem to post the leader board up. thus, i shall just give you guys the url instead. sorry.
signing off with passion @ {6/13/2007 08:25:00 PM}
today's such a nice and fun day. went bowling with dearies [jiahui, sharon and grace]. and i was late! i woke up late instead. sorry sorry!to be honest, i didnt bowl for how many donkey years already. and my result's like omg! hahas. one word to describe - terrible! played 3 rounds though. (:grace striked. hahas. pro. they 3 all pro luh. so li hai one. lols. not split jiu shi spare. hehes. and i finally saw jiahui with her contact lens on. hahas. pretty pretty! (: and sharon said that:grace was pong pong yi zujiahui was yu nu yi zui am side-way yi zuand she's ballet yi zuHAHAHA!well, why these names? hahas. cos grace threw the ball very hard on to the ground and it produced a very loud noise. and when jiahui throw that time very lady-like. her posture and everything. so she's catergorised under lady-like. lols. i am side-way yi zu bcos the ball can go straight only when i stand side way and throw. hahas. she's ballet yi zu bcos when she throw that time, she needa sort of "jump" first. hahahas.we camwhored after that. hahas. then in the toilet, sharon suddenly say in the toilet saw ah-zhang [which means cockroach.] and she jumped up and ran out of the toilet. her reaction was very funny la. we laughed like hell. but the fact was that, there isnt any cockroaches in the toilet. hahas. dont know why she suddenly said that. HAHAHA! went to pasar malam again. called wenxin and maple along. (: today is much loved although it's tiring. <33i shall start my tuition this saturday. hahas. finally. and i have created a test. you guys go and do it ok! hahas. i shall post it in a new post. enjoy doing. (:till then lovelies. bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/13/2007 07:50:00 PM}
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
well, did not do anything much. slept at 4.10am this morning. was doing my situational writing. one more homework checked. (: went to pasar malam during the afternoon. was nice. delicious food. =DD sorry yuting, for not attending your chalet. had to attend smth impt at night. sincere apologies. and bowling fun out with dearies tmr! loves! i am looking forward to it.'s the third week already. one more week and school would be reopened. that's so fast, isnt it? next week shall be a busy week. chemistry lesson, we will be learning titration. lala said it's fun. hahas.alright, till then lovelies.
signing off with passion @ {6/12/2007 10:41:00 PM}
Monday, June 11, 2007
went out with wenxin dearie today. watched shrek 3. it wasnt as nice as i expected. well, overall was ok ba. (:shopped ard tm and cs. went montip after that. and saw an unhygenic lady. she tried those rubber bands and hair bands. after which, she did not buy, she put it back instead. i was like omg la. then had minimelts :D headed back to ws.went down to basement. bght food. hahas. sushi; waterise. on our way back to the interchange, wenxin saw ONGJJ! she told me he standard de. army pants and diesel shirt. hahas. but i supposed he didnt see her cos i was blocking her la. HAHAHA! bus-ride home, funny things happened. i shall not elaborate about it. (: and i announce miss apple zhuang wenxin is hyper today as she couldnt stop laughing. LOL! i suppose that's about it. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/11/2007 07:48:00 PM}
Sunday, June 10, 2007
slept at 4.18am this morning. hahas. doing my 50 vocab. neverthless, i still couldnt finish luh. was crapping with my fan just now. grandmother talk huh! combined bbq hor? lols. was funny luh. HAHAHA! i still rmb what she told me yesterday about the laksa incident. lols. she told the uncle, "laksa noodle takeaway" in chinese, which is, "laksa mian bao". hahas. and the uncle heard wrongly and said, "laksa dont want bread?" LOL!was watching VCD and homework-ing at the same time. "my girl" is nice; a korean drama. (: i think my monitor's really beyond hope man. it's going to bid goodbye soon. hahas.anyw, ppl enjoy the remaining of your holidays. in the meanwhile, take care and rest well. might be going out to the movies tomorrow. shrek 3. hahas. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/10/2007 09:40:00 PM}
Saturday, June 09, 2007
VOLCANO ERUPTION! what the... accuse me, nvm. still anyhow accuse my mum?! felt so pissed upon hearing those rubbish. wth. i once trusted you, you proved me wrong man! i will never ever believe you again! you think what? only know how to talk craps. anyhow say things which are not true!?! anyhow push the blame to ppl. since when did i mention anything? or at any circumstances where my blog mention anything? PISSED OFF!well, today was fine until i heard those rubbish which made me pissed and angry. mood-less. i was about to do my stuffs. but upon hearing that, my mood disappear le la. qswl. anyway, i'm not gonna let this kind of ppl ruin my mood; ruin my day. i shall get on to work. and dont care about this kind of stuffs which i do not need to pay attention to. whatever it is, believe it or not, neither my mum nor i mentioned anything. get the fact right alright.those who knew what happened, just keep quiet. if dont know, good for you. better not know, and better not ask.i shall try to post in perfect english in future. hope that it can help to brush up my english huh!** sharon's my fan! HAHAHA!off to do my work. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/09/2007 05:55:00 PM}
Friday, June 08, 2007
sorry for not updating for the past few days. busy. hees. today was nice. (: had a great great lunch out with wenxin and maple this afternoon. laksa. hahas. sharon's craving for it! went to sharon's hse to get that invitation ppr. hahas. long long talk there. tv-ing and such after that.Thursday, June 07, 2007went to godmum's hse. was a little boring. and due to the fact that i'm tired. hehes. had a feast. stir-fry salted egg with crab. omg, DELICIOUS! that's the tastiest crab i have ever eaten man. the lime juice there was fantastic too. (:Wednesday, June 06, 2007out to town with mummy. shopped ard. and i bght my school shoes. reebok. i'm a loyal supporter of reebok huh! my current school shoe's also reebok. HAHAHA! had a feast at sanur, an indonesian restaurant. well, it's yummy and tasty too.oh ya, btw 3/8 peeps, biology extra lesson on the 19th june had been changed to 18th june instead as there's some staff meeting on the 19th june. help to spread ard ya. ty!alright, i suppose that's about it. bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {6/08/2007 11:19:00 PM}
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
yo ppl!a piece of great great news to be shared! as mentioned frm the previous post that we had attended the NYJC media camp, and 10 projects or rather videos would be uploaded on to mediacorp's chinese website - xin.sgfortunately, coral sec has been one of the selected school out of the 33 schools. our efforts had not gone down the drain. here's the web: on the filmstrip beside the title to view the clip. special thanks to mdm shao yi as well as yeeting, our student helper for their guidance and encouragements. heartfelt thanks! (:p/s the host is dong zeya. hahas.
signing off with passion @ {6/05/2007 08:05:00 PM}
hey peeps!i spent my whole night ystd chiong-ing my 13 units of vocab. done! yeahs. so i slept at 4.30am and woke up this afternoon at 2pm. hees. i'm gonna chiong all my work soon! homework list- 13 units of vocab- 50 words of vocab- eng situational writing- chinese ppr 2- chinese ppr 1 [letter writing]- chinese ppr 1 [composition]- chemistry balancing eqns- NAC work attachment's reflection- complete my bio notes- revise bio [chpt 1, 2, 3 (enzymes), 4 and 5 (first half of the chpt)] - do up chemistry notes- do up physics notes- revise geog [pg. 129 to 140]- revise e and a-maths schedule for extra lessons18 june - bio [8-10am] *20 june - chemistry [9am-12pm]21 june - chemistry [9am-12pm]22 june - geog [10am-12pm] * geog test!23 june - bio [8am-10am]alright, that's all about it. hahas. off to do my homework! so ya, bye. think i'm gonna go out tmr.
signing off with passion @ {6/05/2007 03:40:00 PM}
Monday, June 04, 2007
so today i woke up at 1pm again. hahas. standard time luh! hehes. godmum, cousin, nieces and nephew came. so yup, i started on my vocab homework too. and i'm still at pathetic unit 3 when i need to do until unit 13. good luck to me then. hahas. chinese homework has yet to be completed too. oh my god, must chiong alr.went to ws to get notebooks for biostrysics's notes. bght one book with a word "hope" there, it's quite nice? and another one. so went home, gonna watch campus ltr. so ya, bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/04/2007 07:05:00 PM}
Sunday, June 03, 2007
well, today was fine. watched tv. and i read finish one book alr! the book's titled the prize by some malaysian author. nice book though. (:
although the book's thin, it's still quite suitable for teenagers. i found some vocabs there. therefore, in conclusion, i sort of started on my eng holiday assignment alr. :D and one wk of holiday had passed! that's fast, isnt it?
i havent tell mum when i wanna schedule my tuition. better settle it fast huh! before mum and dad nags at me again. i want tuition, bt i scared i cant cope the workload man! hmm... can anyone tell me wad to do?
yes, basically that's about today. my posts are getting more boring each day luh. seriously, i have nth to post about. i just wanna keep my blog alive. (:and charissa's missing school! when it's during school hours, we'll always want holidays to come sooner. and when it's holidays, we'll miss school and want to go school. i miss my friends! arghs.
btw, this blog's officially mine [charissa] alr. jiahui had created her own blog, so do go and check it out when you are free. her url's under my links [the exits]. (:bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/03/2007 08:00:00 PM}
Saturday, June 02, 2007
today i woke up at 1pm again. wenxin stomach pain go see doctor. then met them [her and maple] at central. got back my dictionary frm maple. then wenxin told me two things which made me felt that it was unbelievable. alright, i shall nt elaborate much on it. hahas.headed to ws after that. dined at food court. had congee. cos apple cant eat too solidified food. hahas. then went to library. borrowed books! and i borrowed 8 books. hahas. good good. i hope those books would save me out of boredom. hehs. then nw they gt this promotion? hahas. like you borrow 8 books then can throw dice. if you get 2, 4 or 6, you are entitled to a green bag. HAHAHA! wanted to try my luck, go throw. get 2. LOL! gt that green bag. hahas. like go cold storage that kind of bag. smaller only. hehes.headed back hm. on the way hm, i saw some ppl. it's like so coincident? i keep saying dont let me see them, yet it's heaven's will man. i still saw them. hahas. watched tv and stuffs. i shall get on to serious work tmr!clarissa had left for her holidays this morning. i'm jealous! hahas. jkjk. have fun alright!my com screen's still yellowish. and i guess today's more yellowish. my eyes had been itching since ystd. dead. i dont want to get an infection! arghs. that's about it ppl. bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/02/2007 10:40:00 PM}
Friday, June 01, 2007
hellos ppl!
i slacked again!?!?! that's omg! arghs! and one day had just past like that. gosh! i must BUCK UP! and i have nth to post about. so ya, i shall start on my homework soon.
bon voyage, clarissa! loves! <33
and my com screen's still yellow! omg! my eyesight would go downhill soon man!
till then lovelies, bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/01/2007 08:45:00 PM}