Friday, November 30, 2007
Hello peeps. :DDDid some work and of course went to the pasar malam near my house with 2 lovelies.And I feel so bad for digging a big hole in those 7 dearies pocket, even I. I'm very very sorry! But to make up for it, I will plan for something okay. I promise.Yesterday was nice. (:I got my hair cut, I got those 2 tees that I wanted from OP. I got my slippers for the class chalet, and of course I got food from Marks and Spencer, I think that's the spelling. Haha.Mummy treated me to Sakae and Starbucks. I love the ice mocha and the cheesecake. Haha.In conclusion, it's certainly an enjoyable day. (:
signing off with passion @ {11/30/2007 10:19:00 PM}
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
As promised to post the collage so there it is.

(Marina Square, Suntec City, Esplanade& Merlion Park)
Well, it had already been 3 days past the work attachment, and I have to agree that this time round, we are more bonded with our individual booth members. No more TOGETHER with one another, and I suppose it had been a fruitful experience.
22 nov - Before briefing @ Airport
Jiahui& me. Ever since Sec 1 and still counting on. :DD
Briefing: We all got into the sales department and we need to do registration for those people.
Day 1
Reporting time: 6.30am.
- Registration
- Product sales
- Sales of courses
Day 2
- Product sales
- Sales of courses
Day 3
- Sales of courses
Pictures of the last day:
Top row (L-R): Emily, Sharon, Phoebe& me Bottom row (L-R): Grace& Wenxin
(L-R): Sharon, Xu Wei, me& Wei Qin
P/S: The post above is simply summarised. I shan't go about the details. If you guys want to know more, you can just ask me. Of course, many things happened and funny ones are inevitable. But one thing for sure is that, we had definitely learnt something new. On top of that, new friends, skills, and the bond we shared in our booth. Special thanks to Auntie Lena, Emily, Xu wei, Wei Qin, Karen, Jack& Benjamin. All those big kor kor(s) and jie jie(s) helped me a lot. Thank you very much. In conclusion, although it's tiring, afterall it's all worthwhile and I've certainly enjoyed myself. (:
As for today, went out with Wenxin, Sharon and Grace.
- Bowling @ SAFRA
- Lunch-ed @ Pizza Hut
- WS
- Home
Tomorrow's schedule
- Cut hair @ Bedok
- Go visit mum's friend @ Marine Parade
- Lunch @ Sakae
- Shop @ Orchard
Alright, that's for now. Bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {11/28/2007 09:28:00 PM}
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Hello peeps! :DDSorry for not updating. I shall just blog about today and the past two days. Haha.I went to see doctor with mum today and because of that, I cancelled my tuition. My head almost burst - Headache and down with a little sore throat. However, I'm fine already. (: Mummy was worser, she lost her voice completely.The doctor told us that must have plenty of rest, must drink more water, avoid going to places with many people. Haha.Yesterday went out with Jingying. Headed down to People's Park, had late lunch and decided to go to Vivo City to catch Game Plan since it's just two stops only. Before the show started, we still had around 1hour 40mins to spare. So ya, we went to shop around. I went to Candy Empire to buy that potato chip imported from Australia. Haha. It's delicious. Overall, thumbs-up for the show. It's nice and sort of touching. It's highly recommended. Haha. Monday went out with Celestine, Sharon and Grace to Marina Square to have Pizza Hut. Then Celestine wanted to get her french nail manicure set. We went into this shop "SASA", the promoter's attitude was terrible horrible. We were looking around and she followed us around, it's okay. After browsing for a while, that promoter started to ask Celestine what she want to find in a very impolite tone. When we walked out of the shop, according to Sharon, that promoter slammed the calculator on the table and shook her head. Like what's the problem with her? Can't we browse around?After that, we started our journey to Suntec City, Esplanade and last but not least, the Merlion Park. It's a trip filled with lots of pictures. I will collage them, and then post it here alright.Tomorrow's work attachment's briefing @ Expo, meeting my girls out for Popeye before heading down to Expo. 23-25nov - work attachment. We are working with those NAC crews again! I'm sure it's gonna be a fruitful experience. (:Alright, till then lovelies. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {11/21/2007 09:49:00 PM}
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Coral's open house today and it was okay except with the fact that kids nowadays are terrible. I'm not trying to say that we are good, but they just CMI.My Theorem: Rude + No manners = Vomit bloodSome were okay, but some were quite ill-mannered. They wanted to play with the bunsen burner despite Wenxin saying no, and they said that they wanted to blow the whole lab up. How childish can they be?! Tell them that they cannot directly attract the iron fillings up like that, yet they purposely did it, thinking that they can piss us off. But well, we managed to keep cool. (:However the experiments were pretty interesting.Biology - Extracting DNA of kiwi cellsChemistry - Elephant toothpaste & The blue bottle experimentPhysics - Separating iron(II)suphide fillings & an experiment regarding oxygen?It's cool. :DDHeading down to town with mum tomorrow to get my MP4 repaired, like finally. Haha.Okay, that's about it. Bye peeps. Off to do some constructive work. Haha.
signing off with passion @ {11/15/2007 10:08:00 PM}
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Picture of the day:

Hear no evil, See no evil, Say no evil. :DDI'm not okay.
I think I 消化不良 because of the prata I had with lovelies just now.
We went to TM to get some stuffs. Wenxin got a present for yh, and I bought assessment books for Biostrysics.
Bus-ed home after that.
2/9 chalet was fine. Although it wasn't the whole class there, I still enjoyed myself. Specially thanks to the organisers. (:
Met Stef yesterday. No pictures though, it's too dark.
Coral's open house tomorrow. Only 6 people are needed. The list comprises of me, Wenxin, Weilin, Sheryl, Shumin and Reine. Yup, reporting time is at 8am outside staff room. I guess we are conducting some experiments or something.
邵老师 is so sweet can. She still messaged me to tell me the answers for the Chinese paper, despite the paper's over for like about 2 weeks. Oh well, 7 marks gone.
Not only attitude determines everything, perhaps stress too, makes a difference huh. Whatever it is, I'm not going to bother so much. I will just need to play my role well and that's it. However, I will still render help if you ever need them. (:
Alright, I'll blog again soon. Bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {11/14/2007 06:30:00 PM}
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Picture of the day:
All my dearest lovelies who have always been there for me. Thanks lovelies! <33 * And Stef jie, I don't have your pic! We'll take one soon when we are out okay. (:
Alright peeps, as the ballet pai zhang men ren haunted me to blog, I shall blog to satisfy her. HAHAHA!
Tuition today was fine, went through A-maths. And there are like around 20 questions for homework! Nevermind, I shall be good to do those questions after the 2/9's chalet.
Yes yes yes! 2/9's chalet tomorrow!! I'm looking forward to it! It had been ages ever since the last chalet. =x I'm sure we are gonna have fun. Oh well, I missed the sitting arrangement in 2/9's classroom. I missed those laughters we had in class. Especially during Lan lao shi's lesson, her jokes never fail to make us laugh! :DD
Let's just hope that everything will turn out fine tomorrow.
Perhaps we are meeting Stef on Tuesday, her class's chalet is at DTE too. Stef, if you see this post, give me a message alright. We'll discuss about it okay. (:
Okay, I think that's about it. I will update soon.
P/S to sharon: I've updated.
signing off with passion @ {11/11/2007 09:19:00 PM}
Friday, November 09, 2007
I want my holiday! Mummy told me perhaps Hong Kong? Most probably, it will be during December, after the class chalet.Wherever it is, I just wanna go aboard for a few days. :DDWatched 'The Sweetest Thing' with lovelies today. Headed to WS to pass the birthday boy his present and went for lunch. Congee.Went back to school to buy books. However, there are still 3 more books which have yet to come. Gonna make another trip down again.Home-ed and took a nap.After that went to Tampines Mart with mum to return the disc in the evening.Dinner-ed and watched tv. Oh well, I'm looking forward to my outings! Haha.Alright, Bye lovelies. Shall blog again tomorrow?
signing off with passion @ {11/09/2007 10:40:00 PM}
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Updated schedule11 nov - Tuition12-14 nov - 2/9's chalet 15 nov - Coral's Open House 17 nov - Tuition19 nov - Out with Celestine20 nov - People's Park with cousin 22 nov - Expo Briefing 23-25 nov - Work Attachment @ Expo 30 nov - Stef's day out3-5 dec - 3/8's chalet I rented The Sweetest Thing today, gonna watch it with lovelies tomorrow before buying books and of course pass the birthday boy his present. (:Well, I will officially start mugging soon. I want to finish my notes for the chapters this year.Homework list- Chinese Composition - Chinese Letter writing- Social Studies Essay- Physics Self-study Chpt 14& 15- Physics Theory Workbook- Physics Textbook Questions- Physics TYS- ChemistryTest list- Social Studies- PhysicsSo that's for now. Bye lovelies.
signing off with passion @ {11/08/2007 10:19:00 PM}
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Today was fine with the fact of going to Mary-Ann's house to do some stuffs. It was a successful one, I guess. Remorseful? I don't think anyone thought of that, except for some.Had Chemistry SPA yesterday. Titration. I supposed it was fine. (:After some thoughts, I realised that perhaps things aren't as simple as I thought. Initiation and talking things out may not be the best solution to problems. Therefore, in conclusion, I guess I will just get out of this because human relationships are complicating. I shan't be a busybody trying to help them solve the problem. It's their problem, they solve it themselves. :DDAnd Biology lessons on Friday and Saturday are cancelled. Thus, officially no more lessons until next year.Alright, till then lovelies. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {11/07/2007 11:22:00 PM}
Monday, November 05, 2007
How long ago was this taken? I really wonder. I have been down with studies and lessons, ever since I stepped into 3/8. You girls have been busy with streaming this year. Now that all these are over, a day out please? I really missed the times we spent crapping, hanging out and chatting together. It's all gone. I hardly see you, I hardly talk to you. I don't know what's really going on between you guys. But please do treasure the time you spend with each other, before everything's too late and you will regret. It's very common among people because they always tend to regret. I've done all I could. I've talked to both of you. The rest is just up to you. I know that you are busy with camps, CCA, etc. However, I just want to have a chat with you two, just 15 minutes will do, is that really so difficult to arrange? Don't you want to clear the misunderstandings instead of sitting there not taking any actions? Think twice, do you really want to give up this friendship? Take the initiative and voice out. A friendship filled with memories or a friendship with no meaning, you decide.I've been down lately. Maybe, I'm just tired?Perhaps, I'm just being paranoid or being over-sensitive.I feel that I'm not setting a good example for the younger ones. I feel that I'm not playing my role well as a jie, one that they can rely on. I feel as if I'm a loner. I'm useless, I'm a failure. I'm not doing my part well as a friend.What I do? Emo everyday and be either China or Tibet's treasure. Not forgetting my webcamming sessions with them. That's my life. And I don't want! Oh well, I truely hate it.Perhaps, really no one could be trusted, no one could be loyal. All these are just about life. It's just part and puzzles of it. 这有可能就是所谓的人生吧. I've people telling me that you do have friends around you, it's just that you don't realise it. Maybe I do have, yet I think too much. Gahhh.Alright, today was rather fine. Did A-maths papers. Lunched at WS. Chemistry practical exam. That's about it. Chemistry SPA tomorrow. Reporting time: 9.40am. All the best 3/8 and 3/9. (:
signing off with passion @ {11/05/2007 07:18:00 PM}
Sunday, November 04, 2007
HAPPY SWEET 15, LALA! :DDAll the best in whatever you do. And may all your wishes come true. (:Today was fine. Stomach discomfort! Woke up at 9am. Yesterday still on the phone with Celestine until 1am luh. HAHA!Schedule:
5 nov - Maths supp. lesson & Chemistry Practical Exam6 nov - Chemistry SPA9 & 10 nov - Biology Extra lesson12-14 nov - 2/9's chalet15 or 16 nov? - Coral's Open House17 nov - Tuition?19 nov - Out with Celestine?20 nov - People's Park with cousin?22 nov - Expo Briefing23-25 nov - Work Attachment @ Expo30 nov - Stef's day out? 3-5 dec - 3/8's chaletHaha. I think that's about all for now. I will update again soon.
signing off with passion @ {11/04/2007 03:59:00 PM}
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Went back to school for Chemistry, and there wasn't titration. We did mole calculation instead. (:Headed down to TM for Stardust after Chemistry! The rest went home to bathe and change, while Jiahui, Geraldine, Grace and I headed to WS library to finish our mole concept worksheet. Met the rest and left for TM, Bought 10 tickets for the 3.40pm show. Went to Ramen Ten for lunch? We shared the ramen. Haha. Overall, the show was nice, indeed a fairytale. I shan't disclose any thing about the show. Go watch it, it's recommended. And, even watch show also must hear Humphery's name! HAHAHA! Our whole row laughed upon hearing that! LOL! Jiahui paid money to sleep in the cinema! Haha. Some embarrassed thing happened after the show. I shan't elaborate about it. Only the clique knows what happened. Don't try bothering to ask, cause I suppose no one would say anything.Headed back to WS and walked home from there. Along the way, a few camera shots down the road. I think people were giving us weird looks. Haha.Picture of the day:
In conclusion, I enjoyed my day. (:Alright, till then lovelies. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {11/03/2007 09:43:00 PM}
Friday, November 02, 2007
1 min = 60 secs. I swear I will remember this for life man. What a stupid mistake i did! No more perfect 10. I just screwed up. My SPAs just cannot make it. Gahhh.Previous days were fine. 'O' level Mother Tongue Papers were pretty alright. But I think I sort of screwed up Paper 1. Paper 2 was managable. (:I came across this : Loyalty is beautiful.Yes, indeed loyalty is beautiful. (:Biology lesson cancelled. Chemistry lesson's still on. 10-11.30am.Movie tomorrow after Chemistry. Stardust? I think so, with part of 3/8. Haha. :DDAlright, that's for now. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {11/02/2007 09:45:00 PM}
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Biology SPA tomorrow!I promise to post more tomorrow alright. Off to sleep. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {11/01/2007 11:59:00 PM}