Sunday, December 30, 2007
"You so gay", that's what you love to say. HAHAHA!
Anyway, may all your wishes come true and have a great 2008 ahead. Do enjoy your birthday and smile always. Take care and see you on 2nd Jan. (:
signing off with passion @ {12/30/2007 12:00:00 AM}
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL!!Thank you for ALL the greetings. Be it through SMS, MSN or tagboard. Thank you for those cards and chocolates. It's greatly appreciated. (:
signing off with passion @ {12/25/2007 10:40:00 PM}
Monday, December 24, 2007
Hello. I'm back from another Christmas celebration. It's super fun today.Food was delicious. The ham and turkey. Two thumbs up. Family gathering with Mum's side. Took family potraits. All had fun, and laughters were inevitable.Together with nephews and nieces, we played Wii. It's very interesting. Tennis. And I played bowling with Dad. And he striked 4 times continuously. I was like, "WOW! you used to bowl when you were young is it?" I told him that someday he must go SAFRA with me to bowl. Haha.Bowling's missed!! And school's reopening in 10 days time. That's so fast, isn't it? A new experience of embarking on a journey as a Secondary 4 student.2008 is approching. And 'O' levels will be around the corner soon. To all my dearies, work hard alright! (:That's about it. Bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {12/24/2007 11:50:00 PM}
Friday, December 21, 2007
Hello peeps! :DD
Today was nice. (:
Baby Anna's super adorable!
Pictures of the day:
Anna Wong.

She's very chubby!
Smile. (:
Formal shot.
Informal shot 1.
Informal shot 2. :DD
Cousins, nieces and nephews came to my house today. Cousin gave me a watch as Christmas present. It's lovely. Thank you. (:
Till then lovelies. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {12/21/2007 10:00:00 PM}
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Heys peeps.I'm back from granny's place. Christmas celebration today. Oh well, it was nice. (:The food was okay. Christmas is all about giving and receiving. Of course, there were presents, both for christmas and my birthday. Received quite a few, thank you. (:And, my little nieces and nephew are super cute and lovely!Watched a little TV and then home sweet home. We are visiting Ms Koh and her baby girl tomorrow. :DAlright, that's about it. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {12/20/2007 11:45:00 PM}
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sorry for not updating. Anyway, a day out with Sharon, Jiahui, Wenxin and Grace. Shopped around and then headed down to the Korean Restaurant at Far East. The food's delicious, especially the BBQ. That's superb. :DD Pictures will speak a thousand words:
From left to right: Grace, Jiahui and me. (:

BBQ - my favourite!
The chicken that is needed for BBQ.
After lunching, went to Suntec as Wenxin wants to get her jacket. So yup, and we queued for Donut Factory. It's tasty. Reached home at around 8 plus and that concludes the day. Enjoyable. (:
By the way, Alvin and the Chipmunks is nice. Go catch it. The movie's cute. (:
And Sharon was on TV on the 16th of December for the DV Campus. If you've missed it, you can catch it at Haha.
Alright, that's about it. Bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {12/18/2007 10:25:00 PM}
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hey peeps,Sorry for not updating.Today was homework-ing and discussing about tomorrow's plan. We are going to get Ms Koh's baby girl's gift tomorrow.091207:
Went to find mummy and headed down to OG to shop. Bought 2 tees. (:081207:Had tuition.071207
Stayed at home and did some work.061207
Went out with mummy. Hair treatment and shopping. (:Okay, that's about it. Out tomorrow and Wednesday to do IC. Bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {12/10/2007 09:39:00 PM}
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Hello peeps. :DDI'm back to post about the class chalet held earlier on.Day 1:As told to leave house at 3.30pm, I did so and arrived there at around 4pm. I was welcomed with Adela's video recording and with people holding those party spray cans aiming at me. After that there goes the "Happy Birthday" song which those lovelies sang with the addition of other people from other rooms.
My present is then revealed.
The Doraemon box filled with the POOH and that OP skirt as well as the lovely card (full of creativity) which they made for me. Why full of creativity? My picture became the "postage stamp" and there is an address behind the card with my phone number on it. My father saw and asked me, "Isn't that your number?" I was like, " Ya, they are playing."
And I was told to put on that skirt for the rest of the day.
Played, watched TV and camwhoring while waiting for the rest to come. Ms Chan came followed by Mr Ong. BBQ then started. It was enjoyable standing in front of the pit bbq-ing. (:
Pictures inside the chalet:
Sharon and me (:
Ms Chan and me (:
Irena, Pooh and me (:

Irena, me, Pooh and Sharon (:
Shumin baked a cake for me and so we cut the cake. They wanted to trick me using those relight-able candles, but plan failed. They didn't wait for 60 secs first. Haha.
Mr Teo JC, Ms Kang, Ms Ng and her friends or rather god-daughter then came.
Took a group photo and that ended the day. This might be the last time we are seeing Ms Ng because she has given up her teaching career. I supposed we'll miss her, isn't it? She have seen the growth of each and everyone of us. Her jokes, her songs, her lessons and everything...

3/8' 07 <33
So an overview of Day 1:
Thank you 3/8 and thank you dearies for making my 15th year of life such a wonderful and memorable one. I really appreciate it. Thanks! <33>
Day 2:

One word to describe: FUN!
We played...
- Rainbow and that was nice. We can see the view of Pasir Ris.
- Pirate ship and screamed like nobody's business. And we were known to be the loudest screaming group. If there was another group which shouts like us, the person-in-charge would go deaf! Haha.
- Aeroplane ride.
- Haunted house.
- Some spinning disc like tea cup.
- The Kiddy Roller Coaster
Ms Chan came and we brought her to sit ferris wheel, rainbow, kiddy roller coaster and go to the haunted house.
We told her that rainbow was nothing, not scary one. On rainbow, she told me, "This is call NOTHING!?!?!" I supposed this is known as different perception of scary. Haha.
And I got sunburnt!
Some things happened in between. I shan't elaborate much about it.
Overall, the chalet was much loved! Thanks to the organisers. (:
Today went out with Sharon, Grace, Wenxin, Mary-Ann, Yuanyun and Daryl to catch Enchanted. Nice show indeed. Go and catch it, if you haven't watch. It's definitely worth watching. :DD
Alright that's about it. Bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {12/05/2007 08:00:00 PM}
Monday, December 03, 2007
Hello peeps! :DD031207 (:It's my day!I would like to thank my dearies (the foursome) which consists of Wenxin, Jiahui, Sharon and Adela. They tricked me to call in yesterday and wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Thank you very much! <33I would like to thank all these people for their lovely messages.YuanyunSharon IrenaMeiyinJiaqiKerry & MarjGrace BenjaminJingying
CelestineStefanieI would like to thank all these people for their sweet dedications.SharonStefanieWenxinCelestine I would like to thank all these people for their Friendster comments.Huaihuai (Although I don't really know who she is)AdelaJoleneHuipingYuanyun
Celestine UmairahVanice (Although I don't really know who she is) JaniceClarissaMadeline
I would like to thank them for their wishes via MSNSharon (very early one)CharmaineCelestineClarissaRachel
Thanks to everyone for their lovely wishes. I appreciate it! Once again, thank you very much. (:All right, going off to 3/8' 07's chalet later on. Bye peeps.It was such a let down.
signing off with passion @ {12/03/2007 02:30:00 PM}
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Hello peeps.
One more day to class chalet. 031207. (:
I have nothing to blog about.
My reporting time for the chalet tomorrow is 3pm, whereas the rest are going at 1.30pm. Sad right? I'm all alone. Haha. But it's okay. :DD
Anyway, thanks to Sharon for the birthday post on her blog. (:
Alright, I guess I will blog tomorrow before I go to the chalet or if not, after the chalet itself.So, I will end off with a quote for today, "Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another. "- Marquis de CondorcetBye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {12/02/2007 04:30:00 PM}
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Finally it's the first day of December, meaning that 2007 is going to end. School's gonna reopen in a month's time which means that we are all going to embark on our new journey as a Secondary 4 student taking 'O' levels and after that graduate. 4 years had past, isn't it too fast?Went WS with those 2 lovelies and had lunch at Cavana.Headed to Popular as Wenxin wanted to find some books. Unfortunately, we cannot find the buddha book. It's a Chinese book.Bus-ed home.Went to the pasar malam again. Ice pop! :DDTill then lovelies, bye.
signing off with passion @ {12/01/2007 09:30:00 PM}