Sunday, March 30, 2008
Yesterday's Speech Day was awesome! The performance was nice. (:We had an outing after the speech day and reached home around 9pm. Many funny things happened and we had a great time out with the fact that we were exhausted, isn't it? Hahaha.Well, most of the seniors officially stepped down yesterday. Most were a little upset even though they always complain that don't want to attend their CCAs, etc. But still, we managed to scrape through the four years.Sharon's pm: 13 nov 08'I don't want the day to come. Not because I don't want to take the papers, but I don't want to graduate! Although I know graduation is part and parcel of life, I don't want it to come so soon! I just have too many fond memories in Coral, I don't want it to end! There's a saying, "Every ending has a new beginning." I wonder what will my new beginning be? JC or Poly? Will I still have time to meet up with all my lovelies? Will we have the time to sit down and chat like how we always do? Can we still meet up at central to have our you mian or laksa together? Will we still be able to have outings together? Aww. I will simply miss every single moment we spent together. I will miss the times we spent laughing and gossiping together. Oh god! This just triggers my mind even though it's just coming April in 2 days time. But time just past so quickly, isn't it?Life is just full of obstacles and memories. 3 tests consecutively this week. Stress is back again. However on a lighter note, Biology SPA tomorrow is cancelled! At least it's one of the reason for me to rejoice. (:Alright, time to stop and off to do some work. I'll update soon. Bye peeps!
signing off with passion @ {3/30/2008 09:29:00 PM}
Friday, March 28, 2008
Apparently, we didn't step down today due to certain reasons. But it's okay, sooner or later, we'll need to step down in preparation for our 'O' levels. Furthermore, our Friday slots for afternoon lessons are already booked.Tomorrow's Coral's 7th Annual Speech And Prize Presentation Day. Reporting time: 9am. After that, hahaha! It will be revealed soon. (:I told my juniors that we'll be stepping down very soon and their reactions were pretty funny. They have already thought of ways as in how to visit us. Lol. Talking to them was pretty enjoyable. :DDI guess I will still miss the times during CCA even though sometimes we do complain or dread to go for it due to some reasons. Time just past so quickly, and sometimes I just wish that time would turn back and remain there. Blah. It's the fact that we're getting old. Haha. Alright, got to go. I shall end off with a quote, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
signing off with passion @ {3/28/2008 10:34:00 PM}
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Alright, I'm back! I'm happy because problems are solved. :DDTomorrow, we, the seniors will officially step down from our CCAs. 4 years had not come by easily, together with hardwork and perseverance, we had come this far.I know this is very gay, but I still can't help it but to say that I will miss my juniors! Hahaha. Although they can be mischievous at times, still they are cute in some ways. Lol. And, they are all very enthusiastic. I've this junior who loves to say that the camera loves her and it made me laughed real lot. They are just a bunch of adorable kids, or rather teenagers? Haha. Work hard juniors! All of you are the potential leaders in future, you guys can do it! Way to Go! (:We had lesson observation yesterday during Biology lesson with the Vietnamese principals sitting at the back. We did Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants and we were given lilies and another type of flower which I've forgotten the name of that. But it's okay. And, I want to say that lilies are nice! Haha. If I'm not wrong, it stands for eternity and purity. (: Okay, I've to go and clear my pile of homework. Hopefully, I'll be back with some pictures in the next post.So, another quote for the day which I think is very meaningful, "It's better to have love and lost than to never have love at all."Bye.
signing off with passion @ {3/27/2008 09:11:00 PM}
Monday, March 24, 2008
To my dearest Superhero,Stay strong my dear, you can definitely overcome it because you are my superhero. Don't let the bad memories pull you down, because it will just make you go mad. I know you know that because of your smile, you make my day. But still, I've to mention that your smile is lovely, so keep smiling. (:You know we are always here for you. You don't have to keep everything to yourself, you can always share it with us. We will be more than willing to hear you out and we will try our very best to help you.YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE!
"I'll never be tired to be there for my friend.
If they need me, and I know I promise I will be there.
It will be the same for now and it will still be the same forever." ~ AppleWe love and appreciate you for who you are, because you are simply our friend. We don't wish to see your sad face, because for all you know, your smile makes our day. Remember, only let happiness to lie within you. No more sad stuffs alright! I love you! (: With love, Superwoman
signing off with passion @ {3/24/2008 08:00:00 PM}
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Hello peeps! :DDI'm back from the Superteen workshop, but to be exact, it was two days ago. Oh well, one phrase to describe it - full of emotions. Hahaha. And, I've enjoyed it. (: Day one was fine. Day two and three were the days filled with emotions. I cried and I supposed many did. This workshop had definitely impacted me and it changed my attitude towards learning. No more "try", but a "MUST"! No more procrastination but hardwork and effort. We must dare to dream in order to achieve our big big goals. Our 7'A's; our goal! "It is in the moment of decision that your destiny is shaped."Those sing-along sessions were pretty nice. The Power of Dream by Celine Dion was fantastic. Those lyrics were very meaningful.Special thanks to the humourous yet cranky trainers: Ernest, Ken and Peter. You guys are great!Through this workshop, I've realised that the most special person in my life is myself. I've realised that how much I've disappointed my loved ones, how much I've hurt them with my broken and empty promises. I've realised that how long have I not spent quality time with my family, how long have I not say "Thank you" to my parents. How long have I not celebrate my parents' birthday, making them a card, wishing them "Happy Birthday" and telling them how much I appreciate and love them. And, how long have I not run into their embrace?
Pictures after the closing ceremony:
Peter and us. (:
Ken and us. (:To end off, I shall end off with a quote, "It's not how good you are but how good you want to be."And girl, we don't mean to scold you. But seriously, you don't always have to compromise people. You live for yourself and not for the others okay, you don't owe them a living.Alright, bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/22/2008 10:19:00 PM}
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hello peeps! :DDI'm back after a week. Just some quick updates.Lessons went on as stated from the previous post last week. I caught The Leap Years with clique last Friday. The show was pretty nice. The songs by Corrinne May were fantastic.One of the quotes from the movie: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned in life: It goes on." ~ Robert FrostTerm 2 has started and we have officially one and a half months before the start of our Mid-Year Examinations. Intensive learning and revision. A lot of work to be done. All the Sec 3 topics and part of the Sec 4 topics. We can bid goodbye to our sleeps again = long nights. My dream and aspirations... Somehow I got inspired by this morning's sharing which is to not give up even if you fall or you don't reap what you sow. Continue to persevere and with the sheer determination, you will be able to see the results at the end of the day. Continue to strive hard.Had dy/dx test today and I think it's pretty screwed up. My CA1 for A-maths = dead. Physics SPA this time round was easier than the first SPA we had. However, my values seemed to be quite weird. Haha. Whatever it is, it's over. Next SPA - Chemistry; Next week! All the best!Superteen workshop starts tomorrow. Morning till night. Alright, I shall end off with a quote for today: "The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best which is within us." ~ Marianne WilliamsonTake care. (:
signing off with passion @ {3/17/2008 08:13:00 PM}
Monday, March 10, 2008
I went to the doctor. The doctor told me that, " I don't think you need antibiotics because it is just a virus attack."There are lessons tomorrow. Alright, going off to take a rest, then do my homework later.Bye.
signing off with passion @ {3/10/2008 08:02:00 PM}
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Hello peeps! :DDIt marks the start of the March holidays, and yet we are still as busy as ever. Lessons from the morning 8am till 2.30pm in the afternoon, isn't it worse than school term? Yes, it is, definitely. Homework just piles up like nobody's business. Who ask the 'O' levels to come so soon, it's just in a few months time. I'm not prepared! I'm worried about everything. Blah. And, I'm sick! My throats hurts!Track and field meet is pretty fine. Film here and there. Adventurers came in first! Well done Adventurers! I felt the unity of the school and houses for the very first time. After that, went to SAFRA to bowl cum celebrate Grace's birthday. And then, home sweet home. (:Oh ya, common test wasn't really too good.Alright, that's for now. Bye peeps.
signing off with passion @ {3/09/2008 10:31:00 PM}
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Yesterday's oral was disastrous, got prompted many times. This time really no hope already.Sharon came over to my house to do the CME project today and she just left. Oh well, at least it is already completed. One load off our shoulders. (:Common Test tomorrow, reporting time: 7.15am.English and Mother Tongue Paper 2. All the best people! Just an overview of my schedule during the March holidays:8 March (Sat) : - Biology (8-10am) - Physics (10-11.30am) - Chemistry (11.30am-12.30pm)11 March (Tue) : - Biology (8-10am) - Chemistry (10am-12pm) - Social Studies (12.30-2.30pm)12 March (Wed) : - Chemistry (10.15-11.15am) - Physics (12-2pm)13 March (Thur) : - Biology (8-10am) - Maths (10am-12pm) - Physics (12.40-2.30pm) After school reopens, there will be a superteen programme held on the 18th to 20th March, that means there won't be any lessons, two long days gone, meaning more extra classes will be held.Anyway, I think most of us are already immune to all those schedules. If teachers wanna conduct extra classes or give tests, so be it, we'll just take. No more arguments or disputes. We won't retaliate anymore. Alright, I'll stop for now. Off to do my work. Take care guys.
signing off with passion @ {3/02/2008 07:15:00 PM}