Sunday, June 29, 2008
Well, photos as promised, and I realised we didn't took many. So here's one to sum up for the day. (:
280608 :DD
signing off with passion @ {6/29/2008 12:15:00 AM}
Happy Birthday 手下! hehe. :D
Actually what I want to dedicate to you is already written in the card. So, I don't really know what to say. But just remember to 照顾好你的长江,不要让它一直呕吐.Haha. And all the best in everything you do! 加油! :DD
As of yesterday, went out with the girls and guy to celebrate Miss Heng who is the 长江's owner's birthday. Headed to Sharon's place to pass her her presents together with 7 other people. Haha.
After that, TM! Bought tickets for Ten Promises to My Dog, that show was two thumbs up! Touching yet funny. (: Pepper Lunch! Nice day out. Photos will be uploaded soon. I haven't received from the rest.
It's officially 114 days to our big 'O's! How fast can time pass?
Revisions, tests, mock exams, prelim papers, all waiting for us to complete. SPA skill 3 in less than a month's time. So many things to complete yet so little time.
By the way, we had a leadership programme yesterday. Conquering the Final Lap. And here's a quote, "If you think you can or can't, you are right!" - Henry Ford
I guess I'll not be blogging so often anymore. Got to go, take care guys. (:
signing off with passion @ {6/29/2008 12:00:00 AM}
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hello peeps! :DDI'm going to update about the class gathering yesterday. 100608 (: Thank god that the weather was fine throughout yesterday while we were having fun. Well, learnt to ride the bike, however I still did not master it. But still, thanks to all those who helped me. Went to the beach and playground. Fun and laughters were inevitable. :DDBBQ-ed at around 5pm after the teachers came. Food was nice. The guys were nice enough to help us bbq. Late night chats and sing-along sessions by the breakwaters together with those lightsticks were enjoyable. (: Went to pack up and left. And we (Sharon, Wenxin, Lala and me) managed to walk home all the way from Pasir Ris Park, despite some injuries here and there and stopping to take a break at those bus stops. Haha. Reached home around 10.15pm and thank god that it rained after we got home.And here's a picture to end off. :DD
signing off with passion @ {6/11/2008 10:07:00 PM}
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Class gathering next Tuesday. I guess most of the things had been settled. Hopefully, a sunny; cooling weather please. :DDNothing much happened recently. Oh ya, I accompanied my mum to watch a concert yesterday. Haha. Nothing special./edited (11:44 PM):How I wish that it was all a dream... There's nothing else we can do. Pathetic attendance, and same goes for the money. How budget can we get? We've been trying to go to Shop 'n' Save to get those styrofoam box to place our stuffs instead of buying them, despite being stared like an alien. Sigh. I'll stop here for now. Bye peeps. (:
signing off with passion @ {6/08/2008 09:35:00 PM}
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Hello peeps! :DDAlmost half of the holidays are gone. Stacks of homework are to be done. Class gathering on Tuesday which is like so pathetic, 15 out of the 40 people are turning up. Started on the Social Studies Project today with Jiahui. 3 essays and we are only done with one. 2 more to go, powerpoint slides and 3 mindmaps or flowcharts. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!Whatever it is, got to complete all the work within the next two weeks, to be exact, next week. The last week would be back to school everyday. And there goes our holidays.Alright, got to go. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {6/05/2008 05:55:00 PM}