Saturday, July 26, 2008
Hello! I'm back to post the pictures of the Racial Harmony Day celebrations. Well, I shan't type any further and let the pictures to the talking. :DD

Last shot of the day, together with Ms Lum. (:

Part of 4/8 '08. (:
Xin Er (:
Shu Min (:

While waiting for the pizzas...
Ms Chan (:

This shot is pretty hilarious and also difficult to be taken.
Yi Jie (:
Si Ding (:
Grace (:
This is one of my favourite picture. :DD
Her expression. Haha! (:
Adela (:
Rare shot with Jiahui & Geraldine. (:
My Juniors! (:
Edwin & Jiahui (:
Jiahui, Hazim and my 手下! Haha. (:
Recess clique - 1. (:
Niang (:
Wenxin and Jiahui (:
Jiahui - 4 years and still going on strong. (:

Mary-Ann (:
Spot the difference?
Weilin (:
Sharon - 6 years and still counting. (:
signing off with passion @ {7/26/2008 09:34:00 PM}
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Yes, indeed, I'm speechless.
signing off with passion @ {7/23/2008 08:59:00 PM}
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
90 days left. Every second is very precious to us now.Well, today was fine? I sat with Jq during PE. For that hour, I realised and thought of many many things. Studies, 'O' levels, friends, graduation, etc...What will happen on graduation day? Can I score well for 'O's? JC or Poly? Will we have gatherings and stay in contact even after we graduate? This is the crucial word, "Friends". People do change as they grow each day, they learn new things and perhaps lose some things. It's never easy to accept one's change so easily, neither is it easy for one to realise that he/she has changed. As time passes, some problems might fade, however memories do stay. It's never easy to forgive and forget. But it is never worth it to get upset or worked up over some problems because afterall, you are making yourself miserable.Friends do play a special part in our lives. Without them, we might not be who we are today. Although family still comes first, friends are definitely next on the list. Conflicts do happen, hatred do exist, however, we must learn to treasure every single moment we spend together and most importantly, never take things for granted.Time is precious and we must learn to treasure it before it slips away.On a lighter note, Cresendo was nice to the max. The school spirit, the Coral cheer, the school song which everyone sung so loudly. One word to describe everything - cool! (:Alright, that's for now. I've tons of work to be completed. Bye.
signing off with passion @ {7/22/2008 07:40:00 PM}
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Alright, I know I shouldn't be here at this very moment, since there's Chemistry test tomorrow. And it's not only on 1 chapter but 5 chapters. How great? Well, 105 days left. You can't expect anything lesser, but instead everything will start to pile up. The fact is that it had already been piled up. And that pile will only go down after our big 'O's. It simply means more stress. Yes, to me it's stress. Different people have different perspectives. Maybe I'm a pessimistic person. Haha.FRIENDS. What does this word means? Competition between each other, hearing someone out, hanging out together or laughing at each other's silly acts? Something for you guys to ponder on. True friends are hard to come by, better appreciate them before they run away from you.To whom it may concern, chill and take good care of yourself because it's your health. No point getting so worked up because of this, you'll only suffer and hurt yourself more. P/S Don't try asking me who I am referring to, if I want to say, I'll tell you.I'll end off with a chinese proverb which I personally love, "忍一时风平浪静, 退一步海阔天空". (:
signing off with passion @ {7/08/2008 08:45:00 PM}
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Love You are Love. Love is the glue that binds us all together. The love of family, the love of friends, the love between husbands and their wives--these things form the foundation of our happiness, our security, and our comfort. "All you need is love." |
Charity | |
Friendship | |
Faith | |
Peace | |
Courage | |
Which'>">Which Positive Quality Are You? |
How will I die? Your Result: You will die in your sleep. A peaceful departure into the next life. You are blessed with the good fortune of passing from sleep into eternity. Do not fear sleep. To dream into the next life is a rare gift. |
You will die while saving someone's life. | |
You will die of boredom. | |
You will die while having sex. | |
You will die from a terminal illness. | |
You will die in a car accident. | |
You will die in a nuclear holocaust. | |
You will be murdered. | |
How will I die? Create a Quiz |
signing off with passion @ {7/05/2008 10:34:00 PM}
Oh well, Monday's a school holiday for us. Yes, a long weekend with endless work. Prelim papers, TYS, revisions, tests and everything you can think of are piling up. Endless is the word. We've yet to complete one set, and here comes the other set. SPA skill 3 is on its way too.
108 days left. Freak, the time is passing super fast. 120 days was just like yesterday. Yes, we've to face it. It's 108 days from now, and you will see us counting down for the last 10 days in no time.
Youth day celebration yesterday was okay, I guess? And the present for this year are pencils, not those mechanical ones, but those with erasers attached at the top of the pencils. "Expose the potential within", and that were the words printed on the box. (:
And as a gift for Youth day, Chemistry and Biology lessons were cancelled for today. However, homework doesn't seem to get lesser and instead they are piling up, excluding tests! Setting aside time for homework, studying for tests and revisions, I guess not much time left for us to take a break.
I want to start on my revisions, but seeing all these, I don't know how to start. Why can't we have 48 hours a day? Or perhaps, even 72 hours? Time is running out! Gahhhhh.
Alright, got to go and have my lunch. Bye.
And oh before I forget, Happy Youth Day to all the youths! :DD
signing off with passion @ {7/05/2008 12:43:00 PM}