Monday, July 27, 2009
I feel so stupid.
I feel so useless.
I'm pissed off with myself.
9 weeks! 28 September.
signing off with passion @ {7/27/2009 10:37:00 PM}
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Life is pretty like a maze. It brings you round and round and after that you will be back in square one. Life is a riddle. Life is full of questions. Life is full of emotions. Life is all about what you do and how the things you do will impact the others. Life is sometimes confusing too. This is life. We all have to go through this. It's not easy. Alright, promos is approximately in 10 weeks time and my timetable for the next 10 weeks will be studies! From 7am to 9pm everyday, I think those after school sessions are pretty productive! :D I hope I can persevere together with S24 and I hope our efforts will pay off. We'll work hard together and we must promote together as a class! :DAnd fastfood chains will love us to the max man! Delivery! :D Yesterday was Macs, today is pizza. What's up tomorrow? Fish soup! HAHAHA! :D Alright, off to do some work! :D
signing off with passion @ {7/22/2009 11:19:00 PM}
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Something must be wrong with me. I'm getting freaking emotional these few days. I don't like it. RAHHHHHHHHHHH!
signing off with passion @ {7/14/2009 10:53:00 PM}
忽然间感到很无助.我不知道自己要些什么.压力在我不知觉的情况下找上了我.也许从一开始这就是错的.我不属于这.这一切都太迟了.埋怨又有何呢?好想好想逃离这, 去一个无忧无虑的乐园.好想好想大哭一场.也许会好过一些吧?我找不到那个所谓的推动力, 应该如何是好呢?时间并不多了, 只剩下10 个星期.我不想半途而废, 我不想留级, 我要升上高二.我不能让父母失望.我还有好多好多想说, 但不知应该如何说起.好了, 我累了.大家加油吧!
signing off with passion @ {7/14/2009 12:47:00 AM}
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Today's a fun day despite the fact that we have to go back to school. Rahhhhhhhhh!
It's fun having mass PW group meetings! It's damn hilarious okay! I like! :D
Our Sentosa model - Blue, Grey, Green! Inclusive of snowman(s) too! HAHAHA!
Mountain of homework. And we're going to end late for the next few weeks! 7pm on Thurs! ):
如果我们能回到无忧无虑的从前, 那该有多好?
如果人生能没有压力, 那该有多好?
如果这些如果能变成真的, 那该有多好?
signing off with passion @ {7/12/2009 01:32:00 AM}