Thursday, December 31, 2009
Alright, today's the last day of 2009 and this will be the last post for the year. It's definitely time for tributes and reflections. (:First up, JC Clique. (:
The first thing that came to my mind was school would never be fun without the 7 of you! You guys have certainly made my journey in SR a fun and memorable one. Also, this let me realised that coming to SR was a right choice and I did not regret. (:Vantay: My telepathic twin! :D Thank you for the memories and what you've done for me! Thank you for those encouragements and those words! Love you! :DYihan: My great minds think alike friend! :D The countless Sunday afternoons we spent together those days! I miss them! Haha! Thank you for all you've done for me! Love you! :DLi Rong: My die hard K-pop fan! :D Haha! Thank you for those memories and I will always remember your 船到桥头自然直! Study hard okay! Love you! :DHui Lee: I haven't find a name for you yet! Haha! I had a great time with you as well as the rest! I'm sure we'll continue to have fun! 加油 for the upcoming year! Love you! :DDennis, Rongli & Jia Hao: I had a fun time with you guys and you guys are simply hilarious! Jokers seriously! Have a great year ahead alright! :D Next up, Secondary School Clique. (: 2009 was quite a busy year for most of us. We were all trying to adapt to the new environment and hardly had meet ups. Nonetheless, I'm still thankful for those messages, MSN, Facebook, etc. They were our form of communication. I'm also thankful that we're all still close together and will continue to be. (:Jia Hui: My bus mate to school! :D Thank you for the memories left this year and thank you for all that you have done for me! Study hard next year alright! Love you! :DSharon: Xue ren! :D Thank you for all your lame jokes! Funny ttm! Haha! Have a fabulous year ahead and study hard okay! Love you! :D Irena: Aprina! :D All the best for the upcoming year and study hard alright! Have fun in Poly! Love you! :DGrace: Busy woman! :D Have a spectacular 2010 and all the best in whatever you do okay! Love you! :DAdela: Lala! :D 加油 for the upcoming year okay! Do it right and do it well! All the best alright! Love you! :DLast but not least, to those who have been part of my life, thank you very much. 091S24, 4/8 '08, etc. You guys were simply awesome! :DLooking back, 2009 zoomed past very quickly. Worrying for 'O' level results just seemed like yesterday. This year wasn't an easy year for me and I supposed for most of us too. Lots of obstacles and challenges but I've tried my best, so no regrets. (: I will just have to learn from my mistakes and move on. (: I believe 2010 will be better and hope that my decision to stay on in SR will be a right and fruitful one. (:
signing off with passion @ {12/31/2009 11:59:00 PM}
Monday, December 28, 2009
A short one. I'm tired, like finally. It's a miracle, I've been suffering from insomnia for the past few weeks! ): Today went stationery shopping with Vantay at Tampines. (We had a hard time deciding the venue.) Next up was lunch, finally settled for BBQ Chicken, not bad. (: Conversations along the way. (: I guess I'm more or less ready for school, just that I've to find my GC and start to revise! My GC disappeared from the drawer! Tsk.Yesterday was shopping spree with Mummy at Orchard. I like! (:Band concert tomorrow. (:Till then.
signing off with passion @ {12/28/2009 10:42:00 PM}
Friday, December 25, 2009
MERRY CHRISTMAS! :DA Christmas spent at home wasn't too bad I guess. (:At least I had friends to talk to online. :DAfternoon went out to pass some gifts. Catching up sessions under the block. Haha! :DAlright, time to recap for the past few days. Yesterday afternoon was with JC clique, not the full attendance though, nonetheless popeyes for lunch and catching up session. I like! :D I'm looking forward to 4th Jan - BBQ! Full attendance and that will be simply awesome! :DNight was with family. Simple cosy dinner with lots of fun and laughters. That's what I could wish for seriously. Happy happy. :D Pinata, Gift exchange, Wii, etc! It's hilarious to see how the adults get sweets and money from the pinata. It's even cuter to see how my nephews and nieces grab those sweets into their bags! (:One phrase/sentence to sum up yesterday - A simple yet splendid Christmas Eve! (:23rd was with Sec Sch clique. 50% attendance. Oh well...The history repeats itself. Sharon, Jiahui and me went cineleisure to watch Avatar! Long but great movie! It's definitely worth watching. :DI went for Christmas shopping too, my favourite! It's always fun to do Christmas shopping! :DAll in all, I think I had a blessed Christmas and hope that all of you did as well. 2010 in 7 days time! (:
signing off with passion @ {12/25/2009 11:05:00 PM}
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Okay, here to post before I go to bed!I went for some concert just now. It was pretty alright. (: And they danced Sorry Sorry! (A part of it only though, but funny ttMMM!)Days are really getting boring!I miss my kampong chicken!I miss going to school! (Okay, I know this may sound ?!?!)But I miss my friends a lot! At least when I go to school, I'll be able to meet them! At least I'll have people to crap with.On a happier note, I met up with part of the JC clique yesterday! :DDowntown East > Plaza Singapura > Marina Square > Suntec Convention Centre > Marina Square > Esplanade > Citylink > Suntec City > Airport > HomeIt was a long day, but I'm glad to meet them! Catching up sessions! :DPhotos up on Facebook!Alright, off to bed! :D
signing off with passion @ {12/20/2009 01:59:00 AM}
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I'm really bored now! And do you know what I'm doing? I'm checking flight status even though I do not know where my friends are departing from as in which airport. I'm trying my luck! Hee!
I told Yh that it's good to leave first because there will be people sending you off but it's not good to come back first cause you will be bored to the MAX MAX MAX! And this girl is very cute, she agreed with me to the MAX MAX MAX! HAHAHA! I'm finding ways to entertain myself while she's uploading her photos.
To Do List (Updated)
16th-18th Dec - Bowling Chalet
23rd Dec - SRGCE (HK) Christmas Celebration (TBC)
24th Dec (Afternoon) - JC Clique (: (TBC)
24th Dec (Evening) - Christmas Celebration (Family)
25th Dec - Cousin's Wedding Luncheon
1st Jan - Happy New Year! :D
2nd Jan - Voluntary Work
4th Jan - JC Clique (: (TBC)
11th Jan - School Reopens
On a lighter note, Vantay and Ah Rong will be back in approx. 1hr and 15mins time. (If my estimation is right). And Wu Jia Jia will be back in the late afternoon/evening if the flight status I checked is right. Haha.
Till then. (:
signing off with passion @ {12/15/2009 01:07:00 AM}
Sunday, December 13, 2009
As you guys know, I'm back from Hong Kong. The trip was great. The weather's fabulous! The view at the Victoria Peak was spectacular! :D Etc etc. Pictures are up on Facebook. (: And last point to note, I miss my HK buddies! ):And and and! Vantay and Ah Rong come back quick! I'm missing all of you! ):Time to start studying soon.
signing off with passion @ {12/13/2009 09:19:00 PM}
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Alright, I'm flying off to Hong Kong in a few hours time! I'll be back on the 11th! Bon Voyage to all who are travelling overseas! See you soon! :D
signing off with passion @ {12/06/2009 12:44:00 AM}
Yi Han's face! Hahaha! That cute girl said that she has no webcam so she drew her face for me! :D
And it's her again but this time with a birthday cake! :D
Finally it's Vantay! My telepathic twin! :D
More photos up on Facebook! :D
signing off with passion @ {12/06/2009 12:32:00 AM}
Birthday post! :DThis year's birthday was awesome due to the wonderful cards I received and also the fabulous people that celebrated with me! In addition, all those best wishes were enough to make my day! Nothing can express my gratitude to all of you! Thank you very much! :DFirst was Raissa with her collage tee and card! Thank you girl! Love it! :DMovie and Dinner with part of secondary school clique! Great company and jokes! Thank you for the card! I was touched by it seriously! :DLastly, my first birthday cake which was also made by my sweet JC clique! Thank you for the surprise and indeed I had a spectacular day with all of you! :DI will remember those 952 words! :DPhotos up on the next post! :D
signing off with passion @ {12/06/2009 12:23:00 AM}