Tuesday, January 26, 2010
It had been weeks since I last posted and I guess this will be a short one too. Thursday's the start of orientation and it will be back to square one. I really hope that all goes well. I want my time spent to be fruitful. (:SP programme ended and the past few days were a break for us. Bowling tomorrow and I'll get to see the clique as well as bowling mates! :D I miss them so so much!Till then!
signing off with passion @ {1/26/2010 11:49:00 PM}
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
It's only the third day of school yet I'm drained out already.I don't know why. Perhaps because I'm sick? I feel so sleepy everyday!Pottery lesson today, wasn't that bad. (:2 hours of Chemistry tomorrow and I'm done for the day, shall do independent study. (:2 more days and it's back to school for a week already! See how time flies!Alright, time to get back to Chemistry!Till then! (:
signing off with passion @ {1/13/2010 09:52:00 PM}
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Alright, just a quick one. It's back to school tomorrow!Mixed feelings.Anyway, it's time to start anew isn't it?I'll move on. (:
signing off with passion @ {1/10/2010 11:42:00 PM}
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
BBQ-ed with JC Clique yesterday. Full attendance! :D Fun ttMMM, doesn't this sums it all? :D

Joanna's Baby Shower on Sunday with part of Biostrysics. It's always great sitting down together and catching up on each other's life. (:
I'm going back to school for SRGCE Presentation tomorrow, and I guess this will conclude the whole HK trip.
Till then. (:
signing off with passion @ {1/05/2010 08:55:00 PM}
Friday, January 01, 2010
HAPPY 2010! :DI'll start off this brand new year with a quote. (:
"You have a brush in one hand and paint in the other. You just need to realize that you are the Artist of your own destiny. The outcome of such a realization will transform the road ahead of you into canvas, waiting only for you to start painting." - Conroy Sewepagaham
Resolutions up next. To be continued! (:
{/edited @ 4:10AM}
Oh my god, I can't get to sleep! Insomnia again! Tsk! So Vantay and me are thinking of our resolutions. :D
#1. Time management = Learn to prioritise!
#2. No procrastination!
#3. Earlier nights!
#4. More time with family & friends!
#6. Healthy healthy! Say NO to sickness!#7. Oversea trips! :D#8. More joy and laughters!#9. Less stressed up!#10. Van, fill in the blank! You can have an additional resolution! :D (Special privilege okay!)Till then!
signing off with passion @ {1/01/2010 12:00:00 AM}